13. I'm a vampire

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I saw Kayla in the halls the day after. She looked pretty as usual, and she was surrounded by a group of black girls holding flyes.

"Hey Rob!" She waved her hand at me. We weren't on friendly terms enough to say hi in the halls, but since she had my back I decided to humour her.

"Good morning Kayla."

"Here." She handed me the flyer.

I read the contents.

The BIPOC women in STEM association
presents the 5th edition of the
Info at xxx-xxx-xxx-x

"We hope you can come."

I didn't even know she was in STEM.

"How many are in your association?"

"Not many, but yesterday we got a new member. We should be 7 with her."

"That's a lot." I sarcastically commented.

"Hey, don't look down on us. Last night we beat up her ex." She pointed to a girl in the back, who seemed to want to disappear.

Although I wasn't sure that was part of the association activities, I should have hired them before Mac shared the photo.

"Do you need help preparing the party?" I didn't want to help, but I didn't like feeling indebted to someone.

"Would you really do that?"

"I owe you, for yesterday."

"You don't. We should watch each other's backs. I'd do that for anyone."

"I'll help."

"You should join our club."

"I'm not exactly black, or in STEM."

"She isn't either, she does literature." She pointed to a girl shorter than me, but still pretty tall. I couldn't determine if she had indigenous features or if she was South Asian.

"Don't out me like that!" She joked.

"I'll help you set up the venue." I stated.

"Great! I'll give you my number." She scribbled it at the back of the flyer she gave me, and we parted ways.

It was mid October, and the autumn air was sweeping my hair from my shoulders.

Soon, chestnuts and pumpkins would be at the centre of my diet.

I allowed my mind to reminisce about my American adventures.

I had moved there three months and two weeks prior.

I jumped in a relationship with Mac a week after landing on American soil, and I had been with him for the following two months.

Then everything happened, and I had to start anew with Hawk as my roommate.

I could scarcely believe that we had been living together for a month and a half now.

On one hand, everything seemed to go too fast. On the other, we had grown so accustomed to each other that I could scarcely believe that only six weeks had passed.

Robin and Hawk (or Hawk and Robin)Where stories live. Discover now