Return To The Camp

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Ruby eyes groggily woke up as she looked around confused trying to figure out where she was. 

She then looked down seeing a Skeleton Officer working on her abdomen which was currently covered in..what ever they could use as bandages. 

"Wh...what??" Ruby asked confused not understanding what was going on

Thats when the Skeleton Working on her called out to someone else in the room yelling "Boss, she's awake." 

Confused she tried weakly to look over only managing to turn slowly when she heared a familer voice call out. 

"Don't...your to wounded to move fully at the moment." 

That caused The Ruby to stop reliasing it was someone she knew. 

"Sk...Skeleton King." Ruby said 

"Yeah its me." The King said 

Then as they she laid on the ground the Skeleton King walked to the nearby chair and sat near it looking down at her from his seat as he stared at her with a motionless stare.  

Ruby stared back at her before saying "You uhh...want to say Somthing." 

The Skeleton King just stared at her before asking "How you doing Kiddo?" 

This surprised Ruby as she looked at her before saying "Oh im...good..why."

"Oh god we're in it now." Aldrix said 

"Uhh what do you mean." Ruby said back in her mind 

"When The King starts saying shit like this then prepare for a serious telling, beacuse the situation is most likely not good." Aldrix said 

"Uhhh oh." Ruby said a bit worried as she looked back up at him 

"Good...good." The Skeleton King said 

"Hows..the camp?" Ruby asked 

"Good..we're giving our what water and food we can for the Orcs and goblins...or atleast those who decided to remain." The King said 

"Remain...what do you mean"

"A Couple deserted last night...., left the camp in the dark who knows where their going but i don't we will be seeing them again any time soon." The Skeleton King said with a sigh 

This surprised Ruby who asked "They...they fled."

"Yeah." Yeah the King Reaponded 

"Why." Ruby asked "Whats going on." 

The King looked around for a moment watching the other Skeletons working before asking "Do you want the held back answer or the true answer."

"Ruby was confused and kinda scared from this as she asked "Ummmm...the true one."

The Skeleton King nodded as he said "You....have quite literally fucked up." 

Ruby despite slightly knowing this was going to happen couldn't help but jump back in surprise at the hostility in his tone as she asked "What..."

"Your offencive idea has been a disaster My have destroyed what remains of this tribes fighting ability and We have nothing to show for it, we only have taken a few food stocks and water from our campagins to feed the entierty of the camps most are just leaving for thier own food stock hunting for thier own supplies...most are not coming back." The King said causing Ruby to look down as she said 

"I..i didn't know it was that bad." Ruby said 

"It is" The Skeleton King said bluntly "We don't have any more capabilities to fight...we hardly have the capabilities to defend our selves anymore...we threw everything into that final attack on the at Tologa and the Camp..and we lost you pushed it to far and we not gonna sugar coat it my queen you lost." 

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