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Finally, I’m here. I am standing in the airport in Spain! I can’t believe my eyes. I have been waiting for this my entire life. Even though my Spanish still needs some work, I can manage. After so much hard work, getting my PDH in English in England, and spending a course in organization at one of their colleges – since I have OCD, this was like a piece of pie – I finally have the job I’ve always dreamed about. Working in Santiago Bernabeu as an organizer and a translator. YES! I LOVE MY LIFE!
I take out my phone take a selfie and send it to my mom “Landed safely”.
After taking my bags, I take a taxi to the hotel they’ve told me to stay in temporarily until my apartment is ready. After taking a quick shower and wearing my suit, a pin appears on my phone that says the car is here. A BMW that says Real Madrid on the side of it. I CAN’T STOP SMILING! The driver greets me with Spanish I can understand – THANK GOD-  after a while, I’m there. The Santiago Bernardo. I open the door and walk into the building. 
I have to find Mrs. Gonzalez's office. After a little while I finally find her office. I knock and wait for an answer. Then I hear “Si?” I open the door.
+Hello I’m Mary Evans, the new organizer.
-Ah yes Ms. Evans please come in.
She stands up and shacks my hand.
- Welcome to Bernabeo 
+ Thank you. It’s my pleasure.
- Let me give you a tour of the place and then show you your office.

MY OFFICE. OMG. I have my own office and my favorite job in my favorite place. God, I’m gonna cry. Well, not now. But definitely when I go back to my hotel room.
She shows me every part of the place. The conference room, other managers’ offices, and the training fields in which some of the players were already training.
- I hope you know our players’ names.
+of course. I love watching football but I have no talent in playing it whatsoever.
We laughed a little and then she continued:
-care to tell me some of them?
+ Oh well there is Jude Bellingham, Vini Jr, Courtois, Camavinga, and I can name more If you want.
She smiled softly.
-well done Ms. Evans. But you didn’t name one of our best.
She points her finger and shows me one of the players who is running so fast that no one can catch him.
+Kylian Mbappe
-yes excellent Ms. Evans
+I wish all of the questions were as easy as these.
-the harder ones are yet to come Ms. Evans no worries.

Love on the Field - Kylian Mbappe Where stories live. Discover now