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Today is the big presentation and my job depends on it. I have to nail it and impress Mr. Preze with my ideas. That’s what Mrs. Gonzalez told me yesterday before leaving her office and made me more nervous than I already was. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I can do this. I have to… “Just try to focus on the presentation and what you’re gonna say,” I tell myself as I walk to the conference room, The Main Conference Room. I wore my black suit with a white creamy shirt and tried to look as professional as possible.
When I arrive the players are starting to show up but Mr. Preze isn’t here yet.
I see Kylian as he walks in toward me.

-Hey Mary Evans.

I chuckle.

+ you know that you don’t have to say my full name every time you see me. And hi back.

He smiles softly.

-I know but I just didn’t want to be rude since you still call me Sir or Mr. Mbappe, which by the way, stop doing that.
+ What should I call you then?
-well…How about my name? My first name. And I call you Mary. Deal?
+Deal, Kylian

When Mr. Preze walks in everyone stands up till Mr. Preze arrives at his chair then he kindly thanks everyone and asks them to sit.

-Good luck

Kylian said as he was about to go to his seat next to Bellingham.


I take a deep breath…oh God I think I’m gonna have a panic attack …. I try to remain calm as I smile

+Buenos…. Dias

Oh GOD everyone is looking at me. Mr. Preze seems unhappy and some of the players are starting to laugh…
I’m about to pass out when suddenly I lock eyes with Kylian…
His face is so calm and he tries to encourage me by nodding his head. Then he murmur something to me

-Be confident

I nod as I look at him, then I take a deep breath and start my speech.
After about 25 minutes of explanation about the event and how everything goes, I see the smile on Mr. Preze’s face. YES, HE IS HAPPY.

+ And thanks to our decorator and our financial manager, we won’t have any problems executing these ideas. I hope it’s to your liking. Thank you for your attention.

I DID IT. Ohhh, thank GOD.
Everyone starts clapping with an impressed lock on their faces. Kylian cheers for me first and other players start to join him and that makes me blush.
Mr. Preze stands up with a smile on his face.

-Well done Ms. Evans. You made me sure that you deserve the position you got in this club. Excellent job
+thank you so much Sir.

Today was an exhausting and exciting day. It was my first big project. I can’t wait to go back to the hotel and sleep. I NEED IT SO BADLY.
It's 8 PM and almost everyone has already gone. My driver texted me that he would be here in 15 minutes. I grab my bag, turn off the lights, and close the door behind me. As I’m about to walk out of the club I hear someone behind me.

-Are you the new manager here?

I turn around and see a guy in front of me. He has blond hair, and brown eyes, wearing a brown suit, and looks a little scary.

+Who are you?
-Answer my fucking question. Are you the new manager here?

He said with a thick voice. I got so scared. I looked around and no one was here.

+I think you better answer my question before I call the police.

He chuckles.

-Then you are.

I don’t say a thing. He is getting closer to me. I am shaking and don’t know what to do.

-Listen, little missy, I am warning you, you better quit your job as soon as the light speed or you’re gonna regret it so badly.

+Why the fuck should I listen to you!

-Because if you don’t, you’re not gonna like what will happen to you. I have a lot of men in this club working for me, so don’t try to play smart or you’re gonna pay with your life.

+Who are YOU?

I manage to say with a shaky voice.

-I’m Dean Huntzberger. Your new nightmare, and you better do as I say or you won’t live to see more springs in your life.

I tried to run away and escape from the back door but he suddenly grabbed my arm and threw me on the ground and I hit my head to the wall so badly.


I try to scream and ask for help but no one is here. My head starts bleeding.

+Why are you doing this to me?
-It’s nothing personal kid. Just business, just…. business.

Love on the Field - Kylian Mbappe Where stories live. Discover now