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I arrived at my apartment with red eyes and messed up mascara. I felt like an elephant walking all over me. I threw myself on the couch and tried to rest my eyes a little but the minute I closed my eyes, the awful images of him kissing her just appeared in my head. I have known him for the past couple of months and I’ve never thought of him as some kind of a playboy!
Well, so naive of me. But I didn’t want to be that kind of girl who just get worked up about some guy that I just kissed once and never been on a date with. So I got up, changed my clothes, and decided to take a long, hot bath to wash this day off of me.
After my bath, I made myself some coffee and ordered a pizza. As my mom always told me “Nothing can make a heartbreak go away but a nice bath and a hot pizza!”
I grabbed my phone and coffee and sat on the couch. I had turned off my phone after I talked to Angela. When I turned it back on, I had about 10 missed calls from Kylian, 2 from Angela, and a text message from Mrs. Gonzalez. I opened the text and she had sent me several news reports that said:
“Kylian Mbappe, hot and heavy on the field” or “Kylian Mbappe, love is in the air!” or “Kylian Mbappe, love or lust?” and some pictures of them kissing from different angles.

I felt like something heavy was on my chest. I threw my phone to the other side of the couch and tried to erase these images from my head but all of them just stuck in there. Suddenly the bell ring brought me back to the present moment.
Food! The only thing that could calm my mind right now, was a hot pizza with lots and lots of chess.

“Coming,” I said as I grabbed my wallet. I opened the door and froze.


+wh..Jude, what are you doing here?

-I thought you might need some company.

+But…no I’m Okay why would you think that?

-I saw the news.

I didn’t say anything.
He was the last person I expected to come to my door tonight. I didn’t want to be rude and tell him to go away. Jude has been nothing but nice to me since I’ve got here and he has been a very good friend.

+come in.

Love on the Field - Kylian Mbappe Where stories live. Discover now