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Today’s training was so tiring. I think I ran on the treadmill at least for 5 hours. I just can’t wait to go home and sleep.
Everybody has almost gone. It’s just me and Jude. He and I sometimes go back to the building together since our suits are next to each other.

+Ready to go, mate?

-Sure. Let’s go.
We grab our bags and walk out of the locker room. It’s weird, no one is around.

-Where is everybody? Are we the last ones here?
+Don’t know mate. Seems like we are the one's last standing

We laugh and continue walking. Suddenly, a vague, rough sound echoes in the hallway, a male sound….. it becomes two, a female sound adds up, and it seems shakey.

-What is that?

Jude hears them also and then he shrugs his shoulders.
The voice is become clearer as we keep walking. The female voice seems a little familiar…OH GOD, IT’S MARY.
I ran as fast as I could toward the voices. Jude seems confused but he follows me anyway.
When I arrive at the source, I see Mary lying on the ground. She is bleeding…OMG.
My heart is racing and full of anger. Then I look up at the guy standing in front of her.
Jude arrives and stands next to me.

+What’s going on mate?

Suddenly the guy turns around and faces us with a grin on his face.

+Oh look at the golden boys here. Sorry to intrude. It seems like I have lost my way.

I grab his collar as he’s about to walk away.

-What the fuck you’re doing here Huntzburger, What did you do to that poor girl?

He starts to chuckle which makes me pissed.
I say harshly.

+Okay okay man chill. I just came to congratulate the new manager and give her some advice.
-Then suddenly hit her?

He looks at me with dead eyes which makes me agitated.

+She had a hard time understanding me so I had to try a different method.

He said with a proud grin on his face. I lost it and punched him right in the face.
Jude comes to stop me.

+Mate leave it, he is not worth it.

I lock eyes with Mary as she is shivering and looking at me with fear and tears in her eyes.

-No he doesn’t, but he surely deserves it.

Then I kick him as hard as I can which makes him groan in pain.
“Okay, that’s enough mate,” Jude says as he tries to hold me back to stop kicking him more.
Huntzberger starts laughing like a villain.

-You’d better think twice before you come near her or this club again or your face will see the consequences.

The securities finally show up and they take Huntzberger away. He looks at me with a mocking face.
I release myself from Jude’s hands and run to Mary as fast as I can.
She is still shaking in fear. I look at her with worried eyes. Her head stopped bleeding.

-Are you okay?

She nods her head and says nothing.

-Come on we will take you to the hospital.
+No, I’m okay.
-You have to check your head, you might need stitches.
+No, It’s okay.

She says as she tries to stand up. Her face looks so dead. She doesn’t look at me.

+Thank you.
-No problem. What did he do to you?

She stays silent for a second then starts with a shaky voice.

+He told me to quit my job or he was gonna make my life a living hell.
-WHAT? Oh, that man has a lot of nerve.

Jude adds “After terrorizing those poor interns that were grooming to take over the job he couldn’t do, now it’s Mary’s turn.”

-Don’t worry Mary, we will report to the security and the police and won’t let this happen.

She stays silent.

-Mary, please say something.
+I…. I need to go to the hotel.

She manages to say.

-I’m coming with you.
+No that’s okay my driver takes me there.
-Someone needs to watch you through the night to make sure that you don’t have a concussion or something.
+There is no need. I’m fine. I can take care of myself.
-I know you can but let me help you tonight.

She doesn’t argue anymore and starts to walk towards the door.
I turn to Jude and say to him that I will call him tomorrow.

-Sure mate. Take care.

I answer him with a smile and handshake.
Mary is already standing outside waiting for the car as she is trying to clean the blood from her face with a napkin.

-Let me.

I take the napkin from her hand and start to clean the blood from her face.
She looks at me in the eye. Her eyes are still full of pain. Then suddenly she throws herself into my arms. She is still shaking so much. She starts crying. I hold her in my arms and try to calm her.

-It’s okay Mary, He is gone, you are safe now.

I say to her as I try to comfort her. I put my chin on her head. I want to hold her forever and shield her from anyone who wants to cause her any harm.
I don't know why I have these feelings. The need to Protect her, The need to hold her, The need to calm her, the need to...
She starts to calm down. I can feel her heartbeat soften. She looks me in the eye and then suddenly pulls herself back from my arms.

+I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…
-It’s okay.

She can’t look me in the eye. she looks a little embarrassed.

+You don’t have to come with me. I swear I’m okay.
-No way. I either have to come with you or stay at the club tonight cause I don’t have anyone to drive me.

I say with a funny tone which makes her smile a little.

-Hey, Mary…

She looks at me.

-Everything will be okay, I promise.

Love on the Field - Kylian Mbappe Where stories live. Discover now