Chapter 12.1

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Khediva seemed reluctant to part with them, worried about what Sabrina might do. But Sabrina convinced her to return them to Bathir by threatening to transport them herself, which Scotty objected to with an insulting degree of vehemence, Sabrina felt. "It's not like I would do it if I wasn't positive I could get you there safely," she pointed out after they were safely in the front hall.

"Yeah, well, my sister wouldn't, but this possibly crazy person next to me might," he muttered.

"I'm me, for heaven's sake! What is with all of you?"

"I remember once Mara was being a brat and said that we were all against her, and you said, 'That should be telling you something.' Well, if all of us are worried about you, that should be telling you something." He folded his arms and gave her a straight look. "You know I'm not squeamish. You know I've walked into what we thought were losing battles beside you. But this...this scares me."

Sabrina sighed. He wasn't wrong, no matter how much she wanted him to be. "Okay. You win. I'll stop pushing, if you'll think about what I said. Miah's plan has always been scary, you know."

"And Miah wasn't infallible, you know," he retorted. "Just because she thought this up twelve thousand years ago doesn't mean we have to do it. You're not usually this deaf to other opinions, so forgive me for thinking there might be somebody else in your head."

"I'm not deaf to them, I just haven't heard a good counter proposal."

"Give us a minute, maybe." He grimaced. "Let's fight about this now, because if we don't, you're gonna have a much worse one later with Ford. No way he lets you do this, especially without him there. It's not just you, it's also Rose, after all."

"It's the combination that makes it safe. With Rose filling me up with Crystal energy, I can keep us both safe."

Scotty frowned. "That's a theory you're gonna have to back up with evidence."

"You wouldn't let me transport you," she pointed out. "Ford's not going to be wild about it either. What kind of evidence do you suggest?"

Scotty sighed. "Well, that's the problem, isn't it? It has to be impressive but not put you in any actual danger." He paused. "I just want to be sure this isn't another thing like that person who possessed you at Pharo."

"It's not. If Miah were really using the Crystal to take me over, Mara would know. Ford would know. I think she just put enough of her memories in there to help me scare the crap out of the Kyan."

"Well, it's working on me," Scotty said.

"It shouldn't." Sabrina paused, then said, "I know you want to go with Mara, but if she won't let you, you could come with me. Would that make you feel better?"

He looked surprised. "Yeah, actually."

"So, with you and Ford watching my every move, how much trouble can I get into?" She smiled. Then she frowned. "I guess I'd better wait to cut my hair."

Scotty huffed out a surprised chuckle.


Sabrina made sure the kitchen staff was warned to expect a dinner party including the King, and she sent a message to Reya to invite her as well. After a moment's thought, she added Ford's favorite dishes to the menu. A little culinary comfort wouldn't hurt, she thought.

As their usual dinner hour approached, she became nervous. She'd expected Ford to arrive in time to talk before dinner, but apparently he was still upset. That didn't bode well.

Aurora was the first to arrive in the parlor where they often gathered before meals. She smiled reassuringly. "The Guardian and Inheritor will be with us shortly. I hear you have made quite a stir today."

Sabrina smiled back, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. She must remember to act like the diplomat she once was, she reminded herself. She would never reassure everyone that she was herself otherwise. "I'm afraid my idea needs more refinement than I first thought."

Aurora chuckled. "That is what Scotty said, although he used very different words." She sobered. "I take it Ford has reservations as well."

"Less reservations and more emphatic refusals," Sabrina admitted. "I understand he's never really gotten over the trauma of Lily's birth, but I don't know how to reassure him that I can play this role without risking myself or Rose."

"That may not be possible," Aurora said. "But if the Guardian agrees with you, everyone else will come around. Eventually."

Sabrina nodded. It made sense: she didn't need to demonstrate her ability to everyone, just to Mara. If Mara was confident, everyone else would trust her evaluation.

Reya joined them, nodding a greeting. "Thank you for the invitation, Sabrina. It has been quite some time since I have seen Baldaran, with everything going on."

"It's my pleasure," Sabrina said.

Reya said, "I take it you are waging a persuasive campaign? Do you want my intercession with Baldaran?"

"No," Sabrina said, "but thank you. And I do confess that I thought your being here might lift his mood."

"That, I am happy to do," Reya smiled. "Ah, you must be Shariara. And Princess Lily, it's good to see you again."

Sabrina turned to the girls. "Ara, this is Reya, Dr. Areyashanarll. She is a good friend of Baldaran's."

Shariara smiled. "You do not need to mince words, Sabrina. Allyria is an enlightened place. I know adults sometimes choose not to formalize their bonding."

"That's one way of putting it," Sabrina smiled, as Lily went to say hello to Aurora.

Reya smiled at Shariara. "I think we are going to get along very well, your highness."

"Please call me Ara, as Sabrina does. It is so refreshing to meet someone here who says what they are thinking, instead of something different," Shariara confessed.

"Likewise," Reya said. "I am a neuroscientist, so I am fascinated by your talents. Would you care to tell me more about them while we wait?"

"I would." Shariara and Reya took a few steps to the corner of the room to continue their conversation in private.

Sabrina shook her head. "I wouldn't have imagined those two hitting it off, but I guess it makes perfect sense."

"It does," Aurora said, "though I do not know whether the Guardian will agree."

A moment later, Baldaran joined them, looking tired. He smiled at the sight of Reya and his sister's animated conversation. "It is so relaxing to stop being King for a moment," he remarked, "and merely be one of the family. Thank you as always, Sabrina, for the respite."

"I don't know how much respite it's going to be, but you're always welcome."

"I expected Ford to be here already," Baldaran remarked.

"He's either engrossed in a project and has forgotten the time, or he's still mad at me,"Sabrina said. "And since he's with Tirqwin, I imagine Khediva has informed them of the time."

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