Chapter 17: Preparation

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As soon as they appeared in Praxatillus' orbit, Scotty downloaded his scans to Control, marking them for Commander Rigeon's attention, then requested docking permission at Orbital Station Three, which they'd departed from. By the time he'd received clearance and maneuvered into a berth, Rigeon was already calling on an encrypted channel.

"Major Devon, what is this? You were supposed to be on a training exercise. Report!"

Scotty grinned. He was sure Rigeon would have phrased it less politely if Ford and Sabrina weren't with him. "Yes, ma'am. We were in the Allyrian system when a Kyan transport emerged from a Way. We disguised ourselves and decided to see where it went, but instead of watching when it went into another Way, my sister accidentally followed it to the Homeworld system. We took some scans, went out of phase, and went to examine the Wayshipyard while she rested. We ascertained it was intact and then came home."

"You were not identified?" she demanded.

"There was no indication they identified us."

"No injuries?"


"Miah be praised for that." She paused. "His Majesty requests an immediate in person debriefing."

"Yes, ma'am. See you soon. Devon out."

"Now it's our turn," Ford sighed.

Scotty grinned. "At least she won't really chew me out in front of Baldaran."

Sabrina grimaced. "But Mara will. I screwed up. She's going to want to lock me in the basement vault."

"Yeah, well, that'd make me sleep easier at night," Scotty said. "You need some lessons, and fast. I had no idea you could do that."

"Me either," Sabrina said.

Ford thought, I guess I don't need to build another ship if we can travel Ways in anything.

I didn't initiate the Way, Sabrina pointed out.

Scotty said, "You gonna send us down there, or do we need to request a shuttle?"

Sabrina thought the latter might allow tempers to cool, but she also knew it would likely result in Mara coming to get them. "I'll take us down. Assuming nobody opens a Way in our vicinity and distracts me."

"Wait til Khediva hears about this!" Scotty chuckled.

Sabrina winced. "Okay. Baldaran can't possibly be worse than what she'll have to say. Everyone ready?"

They nodded, and she concentrated for a moment, moving them all into the antechamber of Baldaran's apartment. They were alone, and Ford moved toward the inner door, intending to knock. But it opened before he got there, and Baldaran stopped short in surprise. "Ah, good. You're here," he said. "Have a seat. I've called for refreshments; you've had a trying afternoon, I take it."

"We have," Ford agreed.

Tirqwin appeared a few feet away, casting a look around the room before relaxing. He laid a hand on Sabrina's shoulder and said, "It appears you were not in fact paying attention during Mara's lessons all those years ago."

"I don't know how I could have," she said, exasperated, "given I had no crystal sensitivity at the time!"

He gave her a small smile. "An excellent point. I am afraid it does little to decrease Khediva's vexation, however."

"And Mara's?" Sabrina said, matching his wry smile.

Tirqwin grinned. "Her initial reaction was to suggest Khediva and I take you off for a year of tutoring."

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