short and sweet

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The next morning he is gone.

That's the first thing I notice when I open my swollen eyes. I still remember that we fell asleep together. But now I'm lying alone in my bed. And even though I've woken up like this every morning so far, it suddenly feels terribly lonely. I turn to the side and discover a note on my bedside table. I grab it frantically and unfold it. There are a few handwritten words on it.


I had to leave early this morning (family emergency) and wanted to let you sleep. Sorry that I just left like that. See you!


There is also a mobile phone number below it. His mobile phone number.

Not exactly romantic. Nevertheless, I press the note to my chest and smile from ear to ear. The fresh memories of last night flood my brain. Even though I had too much wine I can still remember everything very well.

Too well.


What the hell happened yesterday? Link killed two people! And then we ate pizza and watched a movie as if nothing had happened. And then... and then we made out.

What the hell is wrong with me?

My head is throbbing and I'm painfully thirsty. I stagger down to the kitchen on unsteady legs, where the first thing I see is the pizza boxes. Then I remember Link's crazy pizza topping and I have to laugh. I laugh so hard that I shake and have to lean on the kitchen counter. Within a few minutes, the fit of laughter turns into a film-worthy nervous breakdown and in the end I'm sitting on the bare marble floor in my shorts, crying like a child.How could my life have gone from being mediocre and boring to a rollercoaster ride between sheer horror and butterflies in my stomach in such a short time?

It's the thought of Link that lifts me up again. Makes me get up from this cold kitchen floor. I wipe my tears with my T-shirt and waddle over to the fridge. The moment I pull the door open, a glass bottle falls towards me and shatters at my feet. Now I'm standing in a puddle of milk and broken glass. Great...Despite my bad luck, I grab an orange juice and drink it straight from the carton until the miserable feeling of thirst finally disappears. I should add red wine to my list of things to avoid in the future. Just like the Naydra Elite School or sword-fighting tournaments. Or just about anything on my doorstep.

Where is my phone anyway? I mentally run through the places I went yesterday in this house. The bathroom! In the bathroom I find my handbag on the floor. With blood splatters on it. I fight against the urge to vomit as I carefully extract my phone from the bag. A glance at the screen gives me a slight shock. Five missed calls and twelve messages from Impa. Oh no! She must have been worried!Instead of reading through all the messages, I call her directly.

"Hey Impa, it's me."

"Zelda! Hylia, where were you yesterday? Damn, what happened?" Her voice breaks.

"I went looking for you after the fight, Impa! I had no signal and you weren't anywhere...Listen, something bad happened, okay? Can you please come to my house?"

"What? What happened?"

I chew my thumbnail. "I can't explain on the phone. Please just come here."

Impa sighs. "Alright... when?"

"I'll take a quick shower and make us some breakfast?"

"It's noon, Zelda."

"Brunch then, I'll make us brunch."

"Fine. I'll be there in fourty-five minutes." Then she hangs up.

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