A perfectly normal Friday evening

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The figure moves towards me, slowly pulling down its hood. The rain pours down on us incessantly and forms a delicate veil, blocking my view of the face of the person approaching me. Another bolt of lightning lights up the sky and makes me realise that I was wrong with my theory.

The other two from the car didn't follow me here.

It's Link standing there in front of me with his sword dripping blood.

To say that my heart is lifted would be an understatement.

All the tension is released in a fraction of a second and my knees give in. I drop to the ground. Link runs towards me, but he can't reach me in time and I fall onto the cold, wet tarmac. I manage to support myself with the palms of my hands. Link puts his sword in the sheath on his hip and kneels down in front of me.

"Are you all right?"

I feel his hand on my shoulder and can't hold on much longer. With a loud sob I fall into his arms, bury my face in his shoulder and cry. I cry with relief.

"You're safe now," Link whispers in his dark, soothing voice. He wraps both his arms around me and holds me tight. Although I feel completely secure, a bitter, terrible realisation creeps into my brain and from there straight onto my tongue.

"You killed him! Link... you killed him..." My eyes dart between the two lifeless bodies. "You killed them both!" Another wave of panic hits me. My chest rises and falls as the oxygen barely reaches me. I bury my face in my hands. Link grabs my wrists in a rough motion, pulling my hands away from my face and forcing me to look at him.

"Zelda, I had to do it! Otherwise they would have...These guys aren't easily dissuaded when they set their minds to something!"

"Did you know these guys?" I ask, my voice cracking.

Link lowers his eyes to the ground and doesn't answer.

A few seconds pass as I try to process what has just happened. All I know is that I am eternally grateful to Link. There'll be time for everything else later.

"Zelda, we need to get out of here. Can you stand up?"

I take a few deep breaths, trying to get over the panic attack I've been suffering for half an hour. Link helps me up and I lean against him, clutching his upper arm. We leave the square through the alley - there's no other way.

"Wait!" I say, "What if the others are still there?

"I'll kill them too! Just like those other bastards!" Link replies angrily. I know his anger isn't directed at me, but I still jump at his words. I've never experienced anything like this before. Even during the argument with Impa, or the fight earlier, I have not seen him as aggressive as he is now.

When we reach the road, I quickly recognise Links black car parking on the pavement. After he has made sure that no one is following us, we hurry to his car and get in. Link frantically grabs the seatbelt on my side and fastens it. Then he doesn't waste another second and starts the engine. Visibility is incredibly poor and the road is full of water. Nevertheless, Link steps on the accelerator and drives much faster than is allowed. Although I know that I am out of danger, my whole body is shaking. I cross my arms over my chest and press my lips together tightly.

"Are you cold? Shall I turn the heater on?" Link asks as he turns the knob. Warm air flows towards me, enveloping me like a warm blanket. The shivering slowly subsides.

"I'll take you home, okay? Or do you want me to take you to hospital? Did they hurt you?"

I shake my head lazily.

"Home," I whisper, and it takes every ounce of self-control I have to keep from crying again. My mind is racing. The fresh memories are burning into my brain and I can feel them beginning to poison my soul. I swallow hard and sink deeper into the seat.

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