she said gritting her teeths and punch a guard who came with a knife in his hand before he did anything jk came and shoot him from behind making him fall down.
as soon all guards were leing lifelessly on ground in front of banpink and devil members except hacker team.
J-now what ??
devil- tell the code of door 2x..
black-wait..we are trying to hack..
devil-what are you doing till yet then??now what will we do??(annoyed).
black- come on miss we are try to hack and we succed but he change that before some minutes..but it will take time..
devil-how much..??
black-we can not say..(replied).
devil-now what should we do now??
black- enjoy seeing the dead bodieds garden you created..
devil-just shut up and do fast..
she said and sit beside jam who got a cut or bullte..on his left arm.
devil-how did you get this??is it paining..??
she asked standing from her place..
jam-oo..t's nothing just a minor cut..
devil-you are have to told as ..
jam-it;s okay..
lily-what;s okay got shoot op..sorry jam..
dvil-you got are leaving right now..'s okay..i can fight..
devil-hope you came..(cutted by v).
v- i already inform him ..he is coming in some mintes..
she said and tear a the shirt of a dead guard and tie on jam cut..
devil-whatis this??
jen-code of door 2x
sooya-i open that now..
suga-careful as a guard already informed him about devil..
jen-there are 10 guards in his room with some injured girls..
black-and te girls are locked in door2x,4f,9c,6v and he is in the basement..
devil-okay..we go with same team all go for girls till i see him..
soon jhope entered with some gurds.
sooya-take him to our medical van..
and jam left withthe guards..
jam-but i don't wanna go..
devil-go right now..came after taking bullet out if you want..(ordered).
devil-you guys go and take care of girls..i see him.
At Abandoned Building
A man was sitting in a dark room Surrounded by girls who are injured badly and some are in half dead situation and unconscious....just wanted to die. Soon a guard of the man came...
Guard - Boss... Devil is here (Scared).
He said little shuttering and scared face.
Man- How Is it possible?? How she get to know about us?
He said a little Scared and shocked but try to show confident face infront of his guards.
Guard-We don't know...boss (on knees).
Man-Go and catch her and take her here right now.
He ordered and shouted on his guards while they got scared but don't have any option so they stand up.
Guards-Yes boss...
They bowed start leaving him alone so he shouted again like a mad person.
Man - Half of you stay here with me (he ordered).
He is scared of Devil as she is known as the cruelest mafia just like a real Devil so he said and some guards stay with him.
After half an hour .
Whole building got silent as some guns sounds wete heard before but it's all got silent making him Confused.
Man - One of you go and check what is happening there? .
He ordered and a guard go and Came after 5 minute..breathing heavily .
Guard-Boss.. All guards ... are killed by... them ...
He Said Scaredy knowing that he death is also near and he can't back off.
Man-How she ..did that? That are 50 guards outs..ide? ...
He also got as he already keep a tight security and many guards but who devil kill them in just half hour...soon he stopped saying and look at girl infront of him.

BTS+BLACKPINK step sister(hold)
FanfictionIt is a story about a Girl YN who became step-sister of BTS and BLACKPINK Who are the powerful Mafia Kings and Queen But YN was More then Them.To find out read this Fiction. It's a Brother-sister ff There is nothing related to Real life of any ido...