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-Okay, I'll explain how each one works. -said Michael -I'm going to assume that you know who is who, and that if I tell you the names you will recognise them.

-Excuse me, but I have been a fan of "your game" almost since it came out, I know all the animatronics, and I also have my traumas, theories and obsessions. -Pao said, offended.

-Uhh, you're going to have to explain that to me about obsessions and traumas. -said Michael, worried about what that girl might have in her head.

-Ehh no. They are my things. Telling you about my obsessions would make you worry and you may never sleep again, and I know how to handle my traumas alone. Now explain to me how I have to survive your things.

-If you knew about the story you would know that they are my father's and Henry's, not mine.

-I know, I say yours because they are in your game. Now come on, tell me I don't have time. I want to sleep.

-... -What? Come on, tell me!

-OK OK. First the Bidybabs. The truth is that I don't know what they can do to you here. But in my game the idea was not to maintain eye contact and not be taken out of your hiding place. Then it's... Ballora. If you hear it, stay still, it means she's close. She can't see, but she can hear you. After her, Funtime Freddy. If he gets aggressive, you have to use Bonbon's voice to calm him down. With Funtime Foxy the only thing you have to do is not touch him or flash him. But well, you can turn on the light but not for long. I'm missing... Ugh, the Minireenas. Well, here they might catch Ballora's attention, hopefully they won't put you in a suit and try to activate the springlocks. Other than that I can't think of what they can try. Now Circus Baby. It's going to be encouraging but I have no idea what she can do. And that's it.

Michael stopped talking and looked at Pao, who was staring at the wall with a smile. -Uhh... Hey? Everything good?

-Yes, wonderful. There are just some robots that are going to kill me, everything is fine. Isn't sleeping going to save me? -she asked.

-I mean... Probably Freddy, Circus, or any of them would kill you. Consider that a slight creak from the bed when you move would alert Ballora.

-Ah well. Maybe I'm lucky and I die with an ice cream in my hands.

-The idea is not to die.

-You die, why can't I?


-Nothing. Who is coming to see me today?

-Uhh I don't think they were able to go out today. Get ready tomorrow.

-Great. -She said, grabbing her Circus Baby plushie again- You think that what you're going to do to me is nice, huh!? You're not even going to let me sleep!

Michael looked at her, questioning her sanity. -Uhh, do you talk to plushies?

-Yes, any problem?

-Eh... no. My brother used to do it.

-I know. It's therapeutic, you should do it. -Pao suggested. -And hey, what do I do with you during the day? You can't stay in my house, even if I would leave you, my grandmother would kill me. And maybe you.

-Return me to my game. Be safe during the day. And at 12 I return to protect you.

-I don't think I need protection, I'll stay stiff in my bed praying to anything that comes to mind, like Pikachu. I am atheist. And I wouldn't mind being eaten by an animatronic. I think that if Circus came to my house I would even give him a hug, and I would ask Ballora to give me Ballet classes.

-...Definitely tomorrow I will come again to protect you.

-Whatever you want. But hey, what about my aunt and my grandmother? Do I have to warn them or...?

-I wouldn't worry about them. During the nights, they won't even be here. It's like... Weird, like traveling to another world. But they won't be there. You do because you know the games and you are immersed in the story. I actually have no clue.

-Oh great. So not even you have a good explanation for this. Yay.

The two remain silent for a moment.

-I'm hungry. -Pao said -I'm going to the kitchen to get at least a piece of bread. And a chocolate. Do you want some?

-Ehh, no, thanks. I think I'm going back to my world. -said Mike, climbing onto the desk on which the television was resting -And I don't know how you manage to survive, but please, hold on until tomorrow.

-You ask too much. -Pao said.

-Yes, yes, whatever. -Mike said, putting his hand through the screen.

-And I can't go with you? I also want to see that novel, with popcorn and all of that. And see your house. Michael looked at her strangely.

-Nope, they are my obsessions, they are my things.

Hey, don't use my words against me! You're evil. -she protested.

-Haha, well, someday we'll have a marathon of the novel. For now I'm leaving. Sleep well and don't die.

-Can you stop asking? Ok, get going. If my grandmother comes back she's going to freak out, and you've asked me not to die, if she sees you I won't make it.

-Ok. See you tomorrow. -Michael said, jumping inside the screen.

Pao was left alone.

She looked at his Circus baby plushie. -You've seen it too, right? Or am I in drugs and I haven't realized it? -Pao shook the doll's head to say no. -Thanks god.

She approached the screen and touched it with his hands.
Her hands rested on the screen.The girl removed her hand and turned off the television, kinda disappointed that she couldn't get past the screen like her new survival partner.
The girl sighed.
She left her plushie on the desk, next to Foxy's, and got into bed.
She put on his headphones and played music on her game console to sleep better.
Ironically, Ballora's music box was playing on it. But before going to sleep, she began to overthink.

"Michael Afton has come to my house. -she began to think - Not even in my strangest fantasies of taming unicorns would I have thought that I would meet him. I mean, how is he going to exist? A character from a video game. Wow, what a fantasy, when he I tell Milo she's going to freak out. And she's going to laugh at me because I have to socialize with a character which i have my phone gallery full of photos, some of them a bit questionable. And all that stuff about robots, Ugh... I don't understand anything. Not how Mike has gotten out of his game, not how the robots will get out, not how or why they will want to kill me or how my grandmother and my aunt won't be here. It's actually like my dream come true, talking to him, my fictional crush, and surviving the robots in his game. But the fact that it's real is strange. Although hey, he said that for Funtime Freddy the idea was to make the Bonbon noise, how do I do that? And the Minireenas scare me, it took me a while... months, to pass their night. Although now that I think about it... Could he appear to me too...? AAAAH I WANT TO FALL ASLEEP AND NOT THINK ANYMORE. I'm sure it's a dream, tomorrow I'll wake up and everything will be false. I'll go to Milo and tell her about my strange dream so we can laugh at my schizophrenic mind for a while."

She decided to put her plushies in bed with her, and after a while listening to Ballora's relaxing and at the same time enervating song while hugging her beloved stuffed animals that always made her feel better, she managed to fall asleep.

And it was a dream full of pizza, animatronics, ice cream... And that security guard who had decided to protect her.
But in that dream there was nothing to protect her from.
Hundreds of children were enjoying the robots performances and robotic movements accompanied by music. There was even a girl near Circus Baby with a pink bow and orange hair, watching as that robot took an ice cream out of its torso.

Five Nights Outside Freddy's (Sister Location)Where stories live. Discover now