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Once we made it back to my dorm, Evie finally let go of my arm and placed me in the middle of the room. "Don't move," she said, before walking into the walk-in closet and grabbing the almost finished Coronation dress. "So, what was with your face earlier?" she asked, kind of knowing something already.

"It's just...,"I started, trying to choose my words carefully. "Auradon is starting to grow on me. And I don't know, maybe we could build lives here." I finished saying just as Evie started tying the dress. "You just have to think, would life here be better once Ben got the anti-love spell? Besides, no one trusts us here." Evie said, trying to trick herself into Mal's cause.

"But Evi, we are gaining their trust slowly. What about you and Doug? You are designing dresses and enjoying it. And besides... what if I told you Ben is not actually spelled." I said, bracing myself for her reaction. "Wait, what do you mean 'Ben is not actually spelled'? As in, you guys are actually dating, no magic involved?"

"Yeah, I was going to spell him, but that day was the day he confided in me about his relationship with Audrey falling out and asked me to wear his spear jersey to the game." After confessing that, the conversation died down while Evie finished the tiny details on the train of the dress.

Once Evie was done with the details of the dress, I slipped out of it and handed it back to her. "You know, I won't be mad if you guys wanted to try to go back to the Isle. I mean, I like it here and we could find a way to communicate." I told her, validating her opinion. "Just don't try to use me to steal the wand, and we'll be good." I added, jokingly.

Laughing at that last part, Evie hung my dress up and turned to face me. "And we would not hold it against you for wanting to stay here. You really look really happy. Now, get some rest, you have a long day tomorrow." She said, before walking out and closing the door behind her.

"At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king! I'm Snow White, bringing you up to the second coverage of who's the fairest of them all." Snow White said on the blue capet, broadcasting the event.

While I was with Ben in his carriage, Mal and the gang, including Doug, were already inside waiting for the ceremony to start. "Don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit there and look beautiful. No problem there." Ben said, feeling my  nerves creep up on me the closer we go to the cathedral. "Will you wear my ring?" He asked, holding out the ring that had the Beast insignia. Nodding my head slightly, Ben picked up my right hand and slid the ring on my finger.

Once we made it to the steps of the Cathedral, Ben stepped out first, holding his hand out for me to take and helped me out of the carriage. Climbing up the steps, we met his parents by the front doors. "Listen, about the other day,"I started, about to apologize for Family Day. "I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy." Beast said. "You also told me that a king hs to believe in himself. Even when it isn't easy." Ben said, butting into the conversation.

"I did?" Beast said confused before being hit by Belle. "I mean how very wise of me. You're going to make a fine king." From beside us, we heard someone clear their throat and reached out their hand for me to take. Inside, I was led to the front row while Beast and Belle went to the front alongside Fairy Godmother, waiting for Ben to make his entrance.

Once Ben made it to the front of the Cathedral, he bowed onto one knee while Fairy Godmother grabbed her wand. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" "I do solemnly swear." "Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king." Fairy Godmother said, before moving her wand to bless Ben. However, before she could continue, someone grabbed her wand and took it from her grasp, causing sparks to fly and hit a part of the Island's barrier.

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