Incorrect Quotes

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Incorrect Grian Angst Quotes to be more specific;


Implied/committed SU

Implied Sh

Not meant harshly or anything to those who have known or experience these problems, this is for entertainment purposes only.




Mumbo walked into to Grian's room, finding him hanging from the non-existent ceiling fan with spreader arms (that scream, look at me, I am an accomplishment!), Mumbo quickly took him down, it has been a week since, Grian just woke.

"Grian, why did you do that?" Mumbo asked his friend in concern.

"I wanted to see if it was fun," Grian cheerfully chirped.

"Oh, that makes sense let me make you a tea as a reward for accomplishing the realization that you shouldn't do that," Mumbo says, calmly.

Mumbo walked out.

When Mumbo reentered the room he found Grian had stabbed himself.

"Bro, I thought that you found out the first time it wasn't fun?" Mumbo complained.




Grian looked at the man who called his name in fear, more fear than he had for Sam during YHS.

"Yes sir?" Grian asked, uncertainty filling his voice.

"Shawammy isn't sleeping," Keralis complained.

"Why'd you call me Grian?" 

"I did? Sorry Brian," Keralis says.

Grian let's out a sigh of relief.



"Grian, how did you do that?" 

I jumped, pulling my netherite blade out.

"What do you mean?" I asked Mumbo, standing straight and putting the blade back into my  inventory.

"You aren't Grian," Scar stated.

"How so?"

"Well first, your chest are organized," Doc starts.

"You finished the back of your bases," Pearl adds.

"You made an automatic redstone farm," Xisuma tells me.

"And your user tags says 'Xelqua' instead of Grian," The actual Grian adds, causing the others to jump.

"Which also belongs to the watcher of freedom, I'll take it, be on my way, burn a few white rabbits and return," Grian says.

'Well, I guess getting caught myself is better than hiring someone and letting them no I watch their every move for the people who live in another universe as an enjoyment story,' I think to myself.



"Pearl," Grian calls out as he lands, stretching out the 'arl' making it sound like he is bored.

"Yeah?" Pearl replied, climbing from the farm to see her elder brother.

"Do you have any white rabbits?" Grian asked, catching his sister off guard.

"No- Why?" Pearl asked, stretching the o out, lying because she knows it could trigger him.

"Well, I had a Nightmare about highschool so I want to stab a few right rabbits so he is aware that if he ever sets foot near me again, I am no chicken," Grian states.

"No, you aren't a chicken, you are a parrot avian," Pearl corrected him, going to grab a few white rabbits.

Grian spots the white rabbits.

"I thought you said you didn't have any."

"And I could have sworn that I have heard you get panic attacks from nightmares about highschool," Pearl argues.



"Pearl, you just took Grian's role, you wanna fight," Mumbo purposed.

"Okay, sure," Pearl replied, unsheathing her sword.

"Oh no you don't," Grian dives in, scooping his sister into his arms and flying away.

"Well, that was unexpected," Scar says, causing Mumbo to jump.



"How are you here!" Grian shouts, stunned.

Before the short hermit stood to entities, Xelqua before escaping the watchers, and Highschool Gree-on.

"Wait, you look like- does that mean we escape, is that Pearl next to you?" Xelqua asked, hopefully and cheerfully.

"Wait, you look safe does that mean we escape Sam?" YHS.Grian asked.

"Yes to both, and we live on Hermitcraft, Xel, everything has played out fine so far, and highschool me,  we still have a long ways to go before you are officially safe," Grian says.

"Nooooooo," Yhs.Grian groaned.

"Yes!" Xelqua cheers in sync with YHS. Grian's groan.

"Grian, how did you- what did you do?" Grian's sister, Pearl, asked.

"What is going on?" Xisuma's voice shouted.


7# (The original version)

"We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without?" Grian, Pearl's overprotective brother, asked.

"Pearl probably," Xisuma, the admin that would destroy who ever hurts his Hermits as a threat or in any way that isn't playful unless it is between two hermits, suggested.


8# (My edited version)

 "We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without?" Grian askedhis other selves from separate time lines.

*Xelqua who is currently being annoyed by his Pearl*

"Pearl probably," Xelqua says.

"Pearl is our sister," Sunan, the Evo timeline, reminds him.

"Well, currently she is more so an annoyance," Xelqua argued.

*Arguing between Grian timelines begins*


"What am I going to do with you," Grian mumbled.


Done for now, any more ideas may come to my brain later 

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