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Narrator's POV

"Sir? She went back to the human realm," a timid voice said from the darkness. The response was far from pleasant.

"What?! We went through all that trouble to keep her in Velvimr. How could you let this happen?"

The voice squeaked, terrified. "S-sir, I don't know, honest!"

"Look, at this point, it doesn't matter how it happened. Just make sure this doesn't reach his ears and fix it immediately."

"Yes, sir!"

Kay's POV

Ilkesi and I hide behind a house as we leave the forest.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask.

"Avoid being seen and find Faeya," Ilkesi tells me.

I furrow my eyebrows. "That's our game strategy? What if I get seen? What if you get seen?"

"I'm a caster; I can make myself invisible. Can't you blend into your surroundings? That's a Level 2 explorer lesson."

"I've practiced a few times, but I'm not perfect."

"Well, you better find Faeya and drag her over here! I don't know what she looks like!"

"She has long blonde hair—you'll know when you see her. Now, since you're the invisible one, you should get her."

"Me?" Ilkesi looks flabbergasted. "The girl probably has an endless resentment for Velai. Do you think I should go?"

I sigh. She has a point. "Fine, I'll try to blend into the surroundings again, but if my cover gets blown, I'm blaming you!"

I close my eyes and try to connect with the world around me, remembering where I am standing. I feel the familiar pull in my chest as I plant my feet firmly on the ground. I open my eyes.

"Well?" I look at Ilkesi expectantly.

She smiles. "You did it. I can barely see you. Just stick to a wall, maybe."

"Okay, okay. I'll be back."

I walk away, staying close to the wall at the back of the village square. The place is buzzing as usual, but there's a sense of melancholy in the atmosphere. No one has actually died at the hands of the Velai, and now everyone is scared. Ilkesi said the person who planted the body didn't want me to return to the human realm. They wanted to instill fear in humans.

The square is just as I remember: noisy, people selling their wares and bubbling with gossip. If you go even a foot away from a decent cluster of people, you'll hear information from villages miles away. I always loved that about the square. It allows you to relax while catching up on things happening, and you can buy a lot of stuff without standing up.

Reluctantly, I walk away from the village square, heading towards Faeya's house. I see the familiar stone walls and wooden roof, plus the hidden room where Faeya and I used to hide. I walk over to Faeya's window and look in.

The sight is devastating.

She looks normal, but there's a dead feeling in her as if she doesn't want to live anymore. Her previously shiny blonde hair is now dull and thin, and there's a tired look in her red eyes as she sits on her bed, staring into nothingness.

I have to fix this. I knock on the window.

She looks up, confused. I stop blending in with my surroundings so she can see me.

Her eyes go wide as she immediately stands up, opening the window.

"Kay?" she whispers.

"Who else? Now, are you going to gape at me like I'm a ghost, or let me in so I can explain?"

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