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Shruti's POV

Next day

“I was quickly getting ready, styling my hair because I was running late for college... I hurriedly finished my hair and took a last look at myself in the mirror when my phone rang."

"I sighed and answered the call, and of course, it was my mom on the other end!”

"Yes, mom," I said.
"My mom said, 'Tumne vaha phuch ke call bhi nhi kiya, itne bure hain kya ham?' (You didn't even call me after reaching there, are we that bad?) She said in her usual cold voice.”

"I rolled my eyes and said, 'Mom, you're overthinking this. I was busy settling in, that's why I didn't call.

' My mom said, 'Stay away from the boys there, I've heard they're really bad.' I said 'ok' and hung up.

This is how they've always been. They can't talk to me with love and affection. My dad is the same, which is why I decided to distance myself from them and focus on my studies. It's not like they behave this way with everyone, but they're especially strict with me.

My cousin, who's 7 years older than me, told me that when I was born, everyone was happy, but my grandmother wasn't pleased because she wanted a boy. She criticized my parents, but I know they love me despite being strict."

"Aisha and I were hanging out by the university entrance, chatting and catching up since our first class got cancelled.”

"As we were talking, three bikes entered the college premises. Three guys were riding on them, their faces hidden behind helmets. They were all wearing black jackets of the same color. Suddenly, the whole college was buzzing with excitement, especially the girls who were screaming and going crazy. The entire college poured out to see what was happening."

"Aisha said, 'Here are the heartthrobs of our university - Ikshit, Saransh, Reyansh.' I nodded, so these are the ones Aisha was talking about yesterday.”

"They parked their bikes and removed their helmets. Aisha said, pointing at each of them, 'That's Saransh, that's Reyansh, and Ikshit, you already know him.' I nodded, my eyes fixed on the trio as they walked towards us, their confident strides and charming smiles making it clear why they were the heartthrobs of the university.”

"Reyansh boomed in a loud voice, 'Guys, go to your respective classes, our class is cancelled, not yours!' Everyone scurried off, and I wondered if these three guys ruled the school or something! Then, the trio walked up to Aisha and me, Reyansh leading the way. He stuck out his hand and said, 'I'm Reyansh Rathore, and you are...?'

I replied, 'I'm Shruti.' But before I could shake his hand, Ikshit pulled Reyansh's hand down and whispered something in his ear, which I managed to catch: 'Limits, man, limits.' Reyansh smirked, but I had no idea why. Saransh, on the other hand, seemed uninterested, gazing off somewhere else."

"Aisha pulled me into the classroom just as our class was about to start. We sat down at our desk, and that's when Ikshit, Reyansh, and Saransh walked in. Reyansh and Saransh sat down together, while Ikshit came over to us and told Aisha, 'I'll sit here, move aside.' Aisha rolled her eyes and said, 'I want to sit with my friend, you sit somewhere else.'

Ikshit replied, 'I also want to sit with your friend.' Aisha started arguing again, but I intervened and said, 'Leave it, Aisha, he won't understand. You sit in the back.' Aisha sighed and glared at Ikshit, who was smiling sarcastically.

She got up and moved to the back of the classroom, and Ikshit sat down beside me, his eyes fixed on me with an annoying grin.”

"Ikshit said with a smirk, 'You're looking good today.' I felt a blush rise to my cheeks as he gazed at me with an intensity that made me uncomfortable. I looked away, trying to focus on the teacher, but I could sense his eyes still on me. Aisha, who was sitting in the back, caught my eye and raised an eyebrow, as if to say, 'What's going on?' I just shrugged and mouthed, 'I don't know!'”

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