Time put my skills to the test... and the unexpected...

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When I woke up the next morning, I was ready for the exam. I put on my uniform, and headed to the training room. And both Ms. Takamina and the headmistress was their, and they noticed me coming in. "Katsumi, right on time. Since you've prepared yourself, for two days. And after all the training you've done it's time to see, how much you've improved. Now the test will be simple, and all the way to an advance level. Are you ready to face your last test?" Ms. Yukko said. "Yes." I said. "Then let the test, begin." Ms. Yukko said. Then the whole place changed, and in front of me were weapons. Different variations, and I went with an interesting sword that called my attention. Then the scenary changed, and a whole pack of monsters, and dreameaters are there. I took my position, and focused on how am I going to beat them all. Then I had a plan, and I just went with it. I attacked and most of them were down. Then as I used a little bit of magic, the sword in my hand transformed into a bowgun. Then with that I used it, it was really useful, and a lot more of them went down it made things more easier. Then it got more harder, with different level monsters. But I managed to take them down. Then after all those different levels, came the advanced level. Where I have to fight a monster that was stronger than me. Then I focused, and tryed to find out where was this monster hiding. As I calmed my self and then I heard a noise a rustling noise coming, from the right side of me. Then, it went to a gunbow and pulled back, and carefully aim to it. Then I had it, then released it. And I hit directly so it could show it self. Then I heard it, and then it jumped out from hiding. I doged its attack. Then I attacked it, the monster I faced was pretty strong and put up a good fight. Then I focused myself, and the monster began to charge at me. And then it was few feet away from me then I charged at it. Then I stricked, then I stricked at it several time more. And to finish it, I pulled back on the bowgun and the magic from it charged. Then with a careful aim I realised it. And it shot it right through, and it left it dead. Then, I thought I was done, but I heard someone laughing from behind I turned. And behind me was a witch, but that witch looked familiar. Have I met her before? "It's been a while. Hasn't it Katsumi Yuna." The witch said. What? How was it possible that she knew my name? I have a feeling she wasn't a friendly witch. "Look, how much you grew. Such a pretty girl you've become. Almost like your mother." The witch said. Then she attacked, and I tried to doge it but something felt weird. And it was close to hitting me. But blew me away from my position. And then I hit the wall, then went to the ground. Then I got up, and grabbed my weapon then it transformed into a bow gun, and I took aim. Then realesed it, most of it missed, but one hit bearly. Then she attacked again, and I managed to doge them. And I took aim with my bowgun and fired it, same. Then I tried to go to the center, and took aim. Then a weird glyph, or symbol started to form on the floor, and it glowed. Then a blast of light came from it then it looked like tentacles started to grab my legs then my arms, after that my whole body. Then in a few seconds I started to feel weak, I think because these things are sucking the energy out of me. Then I tried to free myself, but no budge. Then I saw something zoom past me, and it left a scratch on the symbol. Then I fell to the floor, and out of breath. "Katsumi!" A voice said. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Katsumi, are you hurt? Or anything?" The voice said. It was my mom, when did she get here? And how did she know? "Oh great. And yet the mother saves the day. Yawn." The witch said. "That's enough! Betrix!" My mom said. "Oh, come on I was just having a little bit of fun. Besides she's grown so much, since I last saw her." Betrix said. "Mom? Who is that? How does she know about me?" I asked. "What?! You haven't told her Stella? Well then, since now you know my name, I'm the reason why you have one eye covered." Betrix said. "What?" I said. "Because, you're actually part witch. Because I gave you dark witch abilities, and a powerful aura." Betrix said. "Betrix enough!" My mom said. "And also it's the reason that your aura is locked and you can't contain it's power. And also I was the one who in your memories you've forgotten." Betrix said. Then my head hurted. Now I remember, she was the one who cursed me. Then my vision blurs. Then after that someone attacked from behind us, but aimed to Betrix. But she defended herself. Then my head hurt a lot, I tried to focus my vision I couldn't. Then in front of us was the Ms. Honoka, and Headmistress Yukko. And they fought her off. "Stella! Leave now! We'll handle things here, and meanwhile you you go cure Katsumi!" Ms. Yukko said. Then my mom grabbed my arm and we started to run, but before we even got close to the door I colasped to the floor. My body was to weak to move, then my carried me and then I closed my eyes and slept. When I slept it was all a nightmare and it felt like I could never escape from it. Or maybe what happened to me earlier never happened, mabey it was just a dream. But it all replayed in my head me fighting off that witch named Betrix. And that weird glyph or symbol was swelling me it was all terror in me then other things happened it was just awful. Then with one big gasp I woke up, and scaterd to sit up. Then I was breathing hard, and when I sat up my head was hurting, me and head aches they never leave. Well could be worse, then my mom came rushing towards me. "Katsumi. Are you alright?" My mom said. "Yes. But just a headache. But I'm fine. Really." I said. Then she touched my forehead. "You don't have a fever, but I'll get you some medicine." My mom said. Then I still had that question in my head how did she get here? "Mom? How did you get here so fast? And how did you know about what was going to happen to me?" I asked. She came back and gave me medicine. "Well... I stayed here. And also I'm planning to be here for the time being." My mom said. Wait, my mom is going to stay here for a little while. But... why was that witch a big threat here, the whole kingdoms. What? "Mom that witch lady? Is she a big threat here? Or the whole kingdoms?" I asked. "Well...I guess you can put it that way. But actually she's... she used to be an ally of ours. But she was consumed by darkness. And that's why she came started to come after you. Because I'm a powerful magical girl, and also that woman wanted power too. But couldn't. And ever since you were born she turned into a dark witch. And she gave you part of her witch magic skills, also that's why you have one eye that's different. Because she gave you most of the power she had. But don't worry, I'm going to help you use that power for the good, not for the bad." My mom said. So that's why one of my eyes is a different color? Because that witch gave me part of her powers? And that's why my aura is a bit hard to contain? "You promise that you will teach me on how to contain my aura?" I asked. "Yes. Everyday. I promise." My mom said. "Okay. I'll do it." I said. Then my mom hugged me and I hugged her back. I always loved mom she always made me feel better. "Mom? What about the familiars we have at the house who's taking care of them?" I asked. "Oh. Don't worry since I'm staying here I decided to bring them along with me." My mom said. "Really? That means I can see them every day." I said. I was really happy to hear that. Then I remembered that I was also taking my final test. I had no idea if I passed or not? "Mom? How did I do? In my exam?" I asked. "Right. I almost forgot. The headmistress said you passed with amazing results. And you're being placed in an advanced class. I so proud of you Katsumi." My mom said. I-I passed? But after all that trouble? Well could be worse...right? But thank god I passed. Now I'm a magical girl in training.
"Yukko. Now that Betrix had returned does this mean?..." Ms. Honoka said. "Yes... looks like the two schools has to partner with each other to protect each other." Yukko said. "I can't believe it. I fell bad for Stella. Now that we know what Betrix is after. Well." Ms. Takanashi said. "But we must worry. Stella told me. She is going to teach Katsumi how to control her aura. Her power." Yukko said. Then a knock at the door. "Enter." Yukko said. "Its been a while. Yukko." The person said walking in. "Hikaru Motomia. I see you came here as soon as possible." Yukko said. "What's the emergency?" Hikaru asked. "Its Betrix. She has. Returned. And yet I have no idea what her plans are but I know mages and magical girls don't get along well. But I think it's time that both of our schools worked together." Yukko said. "This isn't possible. But she was. No...it can't be." Hikaru said. "Yes. I know. But looks like we have to collaborate to find a way. To solve it." Yukko said. "If it's the only choice we have then alright. I accept it. I'll announce it tomorrow and get here as soon as possible. We'll send each other plans and ideas to make it work." Hikaru said. "Very well I'll do the same as well. I'll think of way to make sure that mages and magical girls can collaborate." Yukko said. "So, then it's settled. I'll come here with my students very soon." Hikaru said. Then he walked out. "Yukko are you sure this plan will work?" Takanashi asked. "Yes. I'm sure. What else can we do about it if we can nearly defend ourselves." Yukko said. "Besides. I'm sure you, and Hikaru will have a plan. Soon." Honoka said.
When I went to the room where mom was staying. And inside had all the familiars and I was happy too see them all again. And I tended them all of them, and I bet they missed me too. And Qui joined with the others. "Did Qui helped you during your test?" Mom asked. "No. Not really." I said. Qui just ran beside me the whole time, but when I passed out I bet Qui helped. Or that I need to train her to fight. "I'm guessing you forgot to train her didn't you?" Mom said. "I guess so. I guess I'm not the only one who needs training." I said. "I guess so. But Qui has an ability to use water. So I'm guessing it won't be that hard." Mom said. "Yeah. I guess so." I said. For the rest of the evening I stayed with mom, and also tomorrow is my first day of classes. And I also need my rest too. But I ended up sleeping over at my mom's room. I wonder how will tomorrow go?

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