The Little Secrets....

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As I slept I dreamed. I was just floating in nothing just all pitch black with no light so many things went through my mind that, I didn't know what was going on. I don't understand anything, why am I so special to everyone. What makes me special? What am I even doing here? Then in pitch black darkness I hear a voice. "The reason to why you are special is because you have a power that no else has." The voice said. In the pitch black I see someone, when it came close to me it was Betrix. "My darling, I was the one who gave you an aura, I'm the reason why you are still alive. I am the reason why I still love you. You want to know the reason why? Why your parents and everyone hates you? It's because of me I made you a witch. Everyone will hate you your friends, your parents, and everyone. Your parents kept you alive so you can be the only daughter they hate the most. They don't love you, it's the reason why they give you so much attention. So they kill you in the end. Its the reason why your father has been away from you so he doesn't has to deal with a stupid pathetic child as you in his eyes your weak and useless." Betrix said. And she repeated the same words over and over again. Until I woke up with a gasp, and this time I wasn't in my room. I was somewhere else, when I tried to get up my head hurted a lot. "Lay back down. Your not okay to stand. Try to take it easy princess." A voice said, I remember that voice it was Itsuki. Then I remembered everything, and my head hurted more than it was. "Stay calm. Don't go bazerk like you did a few hours ago." Itsuki said. Bazerk? What does he mean by that? Did I do something wrong, or anything? "What... do you mean by that? Why?... no I shouldn't be here doing nothing. There's all my classes I can't go missing now, I have to go." I said. As I got up the head ache I had came back again, but I have other things to do and everything else my mind is all messed up I don't know what is what... or... anything. Then Itsuki grabbed me and pulled me back down on the bed. "What did I just say?! I said you weren't supposed to get up your physically, nor mentally well. Looks like I have to put you to sleep before you go anywhere." Itsuki said. Then he put his hand on my head and then I fell back into a dreamless sleep. A few hours have passed and then I woke up again, and I sat up my headache from before was gone which was a good thing then I heard a door open I turned my head to look who it was, and it was my mom I bet she came by to see if I was okay, or something.
She sat next to me and hugged me tightly and I hugged her back, "Thank goodness you're okay you had me worried. How are you feeling?" Mom said. "I'm feeling a bit better. Mom? What happened to me? What was that weird power that weird power that I started getting, and also weird feelings and...weird things. It feels like I'm going insane." I said, mom looked at me with kind eyes then she took a deep breath. "Katsumi listen as you know your a magical girl and mage. And also part witch, also you're special, and you have so much potential. But your powers are different. When you were little theirs a witch named Betrix, and Betrix is your aunt... Pretty much saying she is my sister. You were only 4 when it happened, your aunt Betrix casted a spell on you that when you get older she would try to take you away from us, I tried really hard to remove the spell from you, but I manage to break most of it and most of it is still in you. But know that I will always love you no matter what because you are my daughter, and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and your father loves you as well. But no matter what you must fight the darkness within, and the darkness that hurts people. So don't blame this on yourself, but I'm proud that you chose to become a magical girl, and I know when you fight for what's right you will do it in your own unique way." Mom said, she hugged me and then let me go I looked at her confused. "Why didn't you tell me? That Betrix was my aunt? And why did she became evil?" I asked. "Betrix was always jealous of me because I was more powerful than her and more confident on the things I do. And she still is... And I still want to save her and bring her back. When we grew up she was an amazing sister she was sweet and kind, but when we both started training I would always be stronger than her I would always get more attention than she does. I was selfish to not talk to her, but whenever I wanted to she would turn me away. Honest truth it was my fault in the end that her heart turned cruel. But I know that the sister I knew is still in there. I just know it." Mom said. I looked at her she still looked in pain as if something hit her, even though I was different than the others and hearing my mom's story about Betrix, it makes me think about things and I also want to help mom maybe I can help Betrix so mom can be happy again, "Mom. I want to help you with Betrix and bring her back to normal. So you can be happy again." I said. Mom looked at me with a shocked face, but then changed to a smile I guess she would let me the only problem is... Father, "Hey mom? Can we keep this a secret from dad? I'm scared what would his reaction be if we told him that I was going to help you with Betrix." I said. My mother smiled, "Alright. Besides it's been a while since you've seen him, and who knows how his mind works this time. I saw your father yesterday he seems stressed about Betrix, so might as well keep it as our little secret." Mom said. Honest truth I'm happy that my mom is around she's the one that always listens to me if I have a problem.

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