Players and Pieces...

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The following days the boys from the other school arrived. Then assembled their classrooms, until initiation day. I just avoided mostly everyone, I really don't feel like talking to anyone seeing most of them are huge perverts sometimes. But most of the time I spend it in the library, just doing the thing I do best just being a book worm. But at least it's least. When I was studying I was thinking about what did Betrix wanted from me? Am I really cursed? Or something? So many questions go around my head. I just gave up at the end of the day and just headed to my dorm then Qui jumped on my bed and laid down next to me. I petted Qui and tried to relax as much as I can, but it's no use I hope tomorrow will be a bit better. I hope.
"I hope this is the right move Yukko." Ms. Honoka said. "Just give it time time Honoka." Ms. Yukko said. "But Yukko they were a lot of complaints today between the boys and the girls. Are you possitve about it?" Honoka said. "Honoka you know my response." Yukko said. A knock at the door. "Enter." Yukko said. "Yukko I'm sorry about earlier. I think thought I taught those boys better manners." Hikaru said. "It's alright Hikaru. They'll get over it soon." Yukko said. "Ren is here too... I wonder how he'll react to see Katsumi here?" Hikaru said. "Who knows. But now we need to keep on topic about the ingnition and Betrix. She could come back any day." Yukko said. "Right. I almost left that topic. So then what's your plan?" Hikaru said.
It was initiation day. And was standing somewhere close to the back. "Good morning everyone. Well as you know today is initiation day. The rules are simple find a type of glowing witches light, and back. And not only that you need to partner up with one person where we drop you off your on your own the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the time being. Does everyone understand your task?" Ms. Yukko said. Mostly everyone nodded. "Good. Let's begin." Ms. Yukko said. We all went in rooms then when I was in I didn't get it. all what I saw was well nothing. Then someone grabbed me from behind and I felt a prick on my neck then I fell to the ground and was out. Then after a few minutes I woke up and when I was trying to get up I saw...Qui? What was Qui doing here did they let me have Qui here? With me? Who knows. I got up and I started walk to find a witches light. Well I hope I won't find anyone out here I don't think no one wants to work with me. As I walked I was just scanning around for anything in sight, then I heard something rustle beside me. I summond out my weapon and I listened carefully where it's coming from. Then I heard again then silent again, then it jumped out I doged it. After that I shot of a few arrows, by the time it got up again it was a six foot lobos with burning eyes and drooling teeth. My weapon turned into a sword and I went to struck it. I got a few hits, but then it striked but I managed to catch myself. Then I threw several runes at it. It's almost out. Then it transformed back to a bowgun I pulled back I focused my energy on the enemy. Ounce I had it locked on it I released it an it went right through it. After that Qui jumped on my shoulder and I petted her on the head. And then I continued on forward. Well so far it's only been one enemy and no one in sight so far. Which is good. At least I'm not slowing anyone down. After a few miles of walking around I was close to a stream, and I was just took a break and I drank from stream and I just sat down for little bit. And also I had to be aware of my surroundings in case of an another ambush happens. By then I was just thinking about something, about my aura. Mom said she'll help me control it. Which she has been. And it does help. But why? Why do I even have one, and what would happen to me if I don't contain my aura? It's only a matter of questioning that one thing for sure. After a while I got up and started walking again just to search for that witches light before they think I might of gotten myself lost, or something. When I was walking I heard something in the distance, another ambush. I prepared myself and when it came close to me I just attacked it, then finish it of. And was it. I heard another noise, but from above I looked up and it headed downwards and I just moved out of the way. Ounce it landed on the ground, it was a person. A boy? When he got up he just turned to me. Our eyes met and then I started to step away from him, maybe he already has a partner. But evervytime I took a stepped back he came a step forward. Then Qui appears on my shoulder, I always wonder where Qui even hides. Then I turned I was about to run but he grabbed my arm and pulled me and my back was against the tree. "Where do you think your going, princess?" He said. I started to tremble. "Please. Let me go." I said softly. "Then why were you going to run away from me didn't you here the rules. Ounce you've made eye contact with a person that will be your partner for then mean time." He said. "I-I know." I said. "Then why run away from me?" He said. "I-I thought you already have a partner s-so I thought I'd leave you alone." I said. Then he let's go of me. "To tell you the truth I still don't have a partner yet. So now I'm partnerd with a girl." He said. "I'm sorry." I whispered. He just starred at me. "Why are you apologizing for?" He said. "I was trying to avoid something like this." I said. He came close to me and Qui growled at him. And he just looked at Qui and grabbed his weapon. I grabbed Qui. "I-I'm sorry. Qui didn't mean to be mean to you. It's...just..." I said. I really don't know how to explain it. "I didn't know magical girls even have familiars." He said. I apologized again. "Stop apologizing." He said. "Sorry." I said. "You did it again." He said. I was about to apologize to him again he just covered my mouth before I could even say it. He just stared at me for a few seconds. "You almost look like. Professor Ren. Tell me something. Who was your mother?" He asked. "M-my mother?" I said. "Yes." He said. "Stella Yuna." I said softly. "N-no way. Your the daughter of Ren and Stella Yuna. Has your father even seen you here?" He asked. "Yes. My dad is supposed to know." I said. "Strange, he never said anything about you being here or maybe he still doesn't know. Wait? Does that means he doesn't know you're here? Or he does?" He asked. I shook my head. I know my dad works for the academy where this boy goes. If he's here and he doesn't know that I'm here. Is that supposed to mean that I'm not supposed to be here? Why? But mom told me he knew was she lieying about it the whole time? "It doesn't matter know. We need to find our objective. And head back." He said. He just grabbed my arm and we just started walking. We just walked in silence. As we walked I was thinking about dad and how would he react to see me here. Is he going to be furious when he sees me my mind went crazy over the fact that my dad doesn't know that I'm here. What should I do? After thinking over all of this I accedently tripped on something and fell. "Sorry." I said. When I got up it was obvious that I might of scraped my knees. But I can still walk. Then the boy knelt down and pulled me to ground again, and he tied something on both of my knees. Then we walked again, I never asked for his help, but maybe he just wanted to. I just kept quiet the rest of the way, so at least he could think. And then I had this feeling that I think I should look up, I stopped walking and looked up. An their it was a witch light. Then the boy notices that I stopped walking. "What are you doing?" He said. Then I pointed up. " Is that it?" He said. "Yeah. It's a witches light." I said softly. "How are we going to get it?" He said. He started to pace, and he wondered off on his thoughts. I decided to climb up the tree and when I reached to the top the boy notices that I made my way up the tree. And I grabbed the lantern which the stone was in. And I jumped off from where I was, and I landed okay well I almost lost my balance. "Okay you can climb. That's strange for a girl like you." He said. "I'm sorry." I said. "Stop saying that." He said. I was going to say it again but I stopped myself before I could say it again. "Let's start over. I'm Itsuki. And I know that your family is great and powerful, but what's your name any way?" He said. "Katsumi." I said softly. "Katsumi. That's a really cute actually. For a girl like you." He said. Was he being sarcastic with me or maybe he's trying to flirt with me? I really don't know I'm lost know. "Thanks." I said softly. By then it got awkward already, I have no idea what to do about this. "Let's get moving before it gets late." Itsuki said. I nodded and we left. We just walked our way their we did have a few monster ambushes but we made it through. Then we reached to our start point which was the school. And there the headmistress and the headmaster of the mage school was their waiting for us and other students as well. "Well then looks like you two made it out alright. And I see you found your objective as well." Ms. Yukko said. And also headmaster of the mage school was their too. "You two did an excellent job, looks like the both of you will be working together, I wish the both of you luck." He said. "Thank you." I said softly. Then me and Itsuki started to walk off to take a break, I was exhausted. "So then it's just you and me now princess." Itsuki said. Is he really going to keep calling me that? I mean it's weird I barely know him and yet he calls me princess. Well I'll just go with it. "Katsumi!" a cheery voice said. It was Momoka. "Hey you made it. I can't believe we both have partners but we're still friends to support each other. So then who's your partner?" Momoka said. "This is Itsuki he's my new partner." I said softly. "Hi." Momoka said. "Hey." Itsuki said. "This is my partner his name is Reo. I can't believe we both have guys this is so exciting." Momoka said. "I-I guess." I said. "So then let's go to dorms, oh Katsumi would it be alright if I can hang out in your dorm?" Momoka asked. I nodded a yes. Momoka told the guys that the boy dorms is the building to the right of the girls dorm and we set off to the dorms.

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