6, Grian

135 4 24

Grian POV

"Oh..." I respond.

'It was just a thought..' I grumble in my head. I sigh and get back to painting the symbol and a black, background. It's hard even if it's a logo there's so much texture!!!  I huff but continue with the painting.

After a while art class ends as we head to our next one, which surprisingly we're together too. I yawn as the day continues it was boring besides, being worried for Scar when he was late. When the day ends Scar is ranting to me about how he is going to get pizza for dinner.

I yawn as he talk then suddenly he holds his head cursing. "Scar?!?" I scream going to his side. He holds his head groaning a bit as he holds it. "God it happened again" Scar mumbles. "Again?!?" I question him. "Yeah it happened this morning..."He mumbles, standing up straight rubbing his head. "What happened...?" I ask hesitant. "Just some sort of dream thing I'm really fine." Scar smiles to me. I nod slowly not believing him. I sigh saying "hope you get better see you tomorrow!".

He says bye back and walks away. I feel my heartache but shake my head getting ride of the feeling. I fly home quickly deciding the day was to much I decide to take a nap until nightfall.

Nightfall dose come, so I have to get up and change into the new outfit I have. I smile putting it on the flying out of the window. I smile as I fly closing my eyes as the wind rushes through my wings, making them flutter. 'The wind is awesome!' I smile. After flying a while I see Hotguy sitting on a ledge seemingly talking to air. I tilt my head flying down quietly. "ub yup talk lat-." Apparently he heard me and turned his head smiling. "Hey Hotguy" I tease as I walk closer to him my wings folded behind me.

"Hey Cuteguy~" He flirts back. I roll my eyes but smile as I sit next to him on the ledge. "So you on patrol as usual, why aren't you arresting me?" I question as I swing my legs off the ledge. "I told you we need a bit of help I can't do everything and also what's wrong with a Cuteguy?~" He's responds his tone flirty. I roll my eyes once again. "So got any villains yet?" I question as I stare at the stars. "..o..oh umm no not yet" He responses as if he was just staring at something as he turns his head away. "Welp guess we're stuck here for a while." I smile to him.
Yay! Grian POV and can you guys guess what Scars flashback was about?!? :D

-Ezy : A/N

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