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Third Person POV

"So, do you believe me now?" the woman inquired, her gaze fixed on Jaxon. He was seated on his bed, encircled by various editions of the Bible. For the last two days, he had been poring over them, searching for any reference to the prophecy she had spoken of.

"Well, there's a lot of mention of me, or Tobias, or—whatever this person is—about how he's Michael's son and more powerful than any living creature, but I still don't understand it," Jaxon sighed, looking up at the woman.

The woman raised an eyebrow. "What don't you understand?" Jaxon shrugged and replied, "I don't understand why it's me. The bibles have been around for decades, which suggests that Michael has likely been on Earth for even longer. So why did he wait so long to decide that it was time to have a child?"

Jaxon clenched his jaw and declared, "That's not all." He gestured towards the book on his right and added, "Some of the newer ones contain different prophecies." The woman furrowed her brows in confusion and inquired, "What do you mean?"

"In this version, it's mentioned that with Michael's help, we can prevent Lucifer from prevailing. Here, it indicates that Michael must possess my body to confront Lucifer, and in the latest one, it's stated that Lucifer could exploit me to destroy the world," Jaxon elaborated.

The woman pursed her lips, yet before she could speak, Caroline entered the room. She immediately raised an eyebrow at the multitude of bibles on his bed, prompting Jaxon to clear his throat and declare, "I'm finding myself."

"So, who were you speaking to?" she asked, prompting Jaxon to press his hands together as if in prayer and reply, "God."

Caroline exhaled a prolonged "okay" as she shifted some books aside and seated herself on the bed.

"How would you like to go to a party?" Caroline asked, and Jaxon immediately nodded, saying, "Absolutely! When do we leave?" Caroline's face went from shock to confusion.

"Okay, what's going on?" she asked, and Jaxon shook his head, replying, "Nothing." Now Caroline shook her head and said, "It's not 'nothing.' You never jump at the opportunity to go out; I always have to drag you."

Jaxon shrugged and offered a half-truth, "Maybe I just want to hang out with my sister." He did want to spend time with her, but he also sought an escape from everything he had just learned about himself, and he found that drinking provided that respite.

Caroline shook her head once more, stating, "You're keeping something from me; you swore you wouldn't." She then exited the room, leaving Jaxon to groan and cover his face with his hands. "I'm a terrible brother," Jaxon murmured, to which the woman replied, "No, you're not, my brother Nik is."

Jaxon peered at her through his fingers and inquired, "How is he worse?" The woman gestured towards herself and countered with a question, "How do you think I am here in this form and not in flesh?"

"Your brother killed you," Jaxon stated in disbelief, prompting the woman to reply, "My siblings and I cannot be killed, beloved, but we can be daggered and put into a deep slumber for an extended period."

Jaxon surveyed her from head to toe before remarking, "Well, that explains the attire." Glancing down at her outfit, the woman replied, "The last time I walked around, it was the 1920s; this was quite acceptable back then."

With a soft chuckle, Jaxon rose from his bed and strode to his window. Reaching it, he noticed the same man from the '50s dance lingering outside his house, gazing in his direction.

"What the heck," he muttered to himself before dashing out of his room, descending the stairs, and seizing the baseball bat he kept for emergencies. He then hurried out of the house.

"What are you doing, creep?" Jaxon demanded, brandishing his bat as he neared the man. "I was just checking on you; I didn't think it would be an issue," the man responded, his voice as impassive.

Jaxon grimaced as he said, "You were looking through my window." The man nodded and asked, "How else am I supposed to see you?"

"Listen, don't come back here, or I'll tell my mom, the sheriff," Jaxon threatened, but the man retorted, "She isn't your mother, though."

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Jaxon demanded, his anger mounting by the second. How does this man know his business? he wondered before the man replied, "I am Michael."

Jaxon stared at him for a few moments before bursting into hysterical laughter, even though there was nothing amusing. He then swung the bat at the man, only for it to shatter upon contact, and the man didn't even flinch.

"What the heck," Jaxon muttered to himself, while the man simply said "ow." Jaxon then threw the bat onto the floor.

"Well, that was embarrassing, listen I don't have time for this, uh, you will be arrested by the end of the day by my mother, stay the hell away from me and my family in the meantime" Jaxon then said before he walked away and went back inside.

Time Skip

Caroline and Jaxon linked arms as they entered the house hosting the party she had mentioned earlier. "Do we even know who's hosting this party?" Jaxon inquired, to which Caroline responded with a head shake and a "not at all."

Jaxon pursed his lips and then nodded, prompting a laugh from Caroline as she began pulling him towards the drinks area.

After roughly an hour, Jaxon and Caroline were extremely intoxicated and lacked a means to return home. Nonetheless, even in his inebriated condition, Jaxon was aware of the need to stay near his sister.

The final memory he had before losing consciousness was of the same man from before seizing him and Caroline, uttering, "One might think that your caution would increase, given that both Lucifer and God are observing every move you make."

A/N A little filer chapter as the episode Children of the Damned was literally all about Elena and the Salvatores.

Hope you like it tho.

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