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After a month of struggling, Seungmin came to a painful realization: his problem had grown significantly.

Despite his best efforts to apply for more jobs, he was met with silence and rejection. His financial situation had deteriorated to the point where he was completely broke, and more worryingly, he had exhausted his supply of blood.

In desperation, Seungmin tried to think of alternative solutions, but nothing came to mind.

He did have one idea, but the thought of actually following through with it filled him with fear. The only viable solution seemed to be calling Han, the hunter who had previously expressed a willingness to help him.

After all, Han’s job was to keep people safe, and if Seungmin’s hunger got out of control, he would inevitably become a danger to others.

Seungmin was still struggling to adapt to his new vampire identity, and the uncertainty of how he might react to severe hunger was terrifying.

Rationally, he knew the best course of action was to contact Han.

Yet, fear stopped him.

The idea of a hunter willingly helping a vampire seemed strange to him.

He imagined calling Han, confessing his lack of blood and his fear of harming someone, only for Han to take the simplest and most drastic measure: killing him.

Seungmin thought that if he were in Han’s position, he might do the same.

Strangely, the idea of being killed by Han didn’t disturb him as much as it should. At least in that scenario, Dae could get all pissed, thinking he didn’t get his forever love.

Perhaps he should really call Han.

His contemplation was abruptly interrupted by the now familiar and intense sensation of hunger.

It had been three days since he last had blood, and he could feel his condition worsening with each passing day. Although he hadn’t lost control yet, a persistent, dark thought lurked in his mind, urging him to feed whenever he saw a human.

He was dangerously close to losing control.

To cope, Seungmin had developed a routine of walking in the park at night.

It was an attempt to hold onto something that felt normal.

He was returning to his apartment, when he passed a drunk man who appeared to be heading home from a club.

The man, who looked around Seungmin’s age, had a bright, carefree smile and seemed weak in Seungmin’s eyes—making him an ideal target.

Acting on impulse, Seungmin shoved the man into a dark alley and sank his fangs into his neck. The man offered no resistance; he was too intoxicated, merely giggling at Seungmin’s actions.

After drinking the man’s blood for several minutes, Seungmin suddenly realized the horror of what he was doing.

He quickly released the man and checked to see if he was okay. To his astonishment, the man simply laughed and walked away, seemingly unaffected and not too weak to walk. This unexpected reaction shocked Seungmin. He now wondered how much blood he would need to drink to actually kill someone.

But this thought was quickly suppressed as the gravity of his actions sank in.

He had attacked a man.

Panic surged through him; his breathing quickened, he started shaking, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Seungmin collapsed to the ground, curling into a fetal position and covering his ears.

He felt like a monster—a true monster with no control over his actions. He knew he needed to act immediately.

With trembling hands, he pulled out his phone and finally called Han.

The hunter answered almost immediately.

“Hello?” Han’s voice was calm, but Seungmin couldn’t bring himself to speak, letting out a soft cry instead.

“Seungmin, is that you?” Han asked, worry creeping into his voice.

“H-Han?” Seungmin managed to stammer.

“Yes, Seungmin. Please, tell me what’s wrong.”

“I-I did something…” Seungmin began but couldn’t finish.

“Seungmin, just tell me what happened. I can help,” Han urged, trying to calm him down.

“I lost t-the control. I-I don’t know what to do…” Seungmin confessed.

“Seungmin, what exactly did you do?” Han asked gently.

“I didn’t kill anyone, I swear… I just bit him, but he’s fine. He actually just got up and left a while ago,” Seungmin rushed to explain, fearing Han’s anger.

“I need you to tell me where you are right now,” Han instructed.

“An alley, close to my apartment,” Seungmin replied.

“Okay, I’ll come as quickly as I can. Just stay safe for now.” With that, Han hung up.

Seungmin managed to calm down slightly, but he was still crying heavily when Han found him. Han rushed to the vampire’s side, noting Seungmin’s tear-streaked face and the blood around his mouth.

“Seungmin, I need you to tell me exactly what happened,” Han said, holding Seungmin’s face gently in his hands.

With a shaky voice, Seungmin began recounting the events of the past few months since he had become a vampire.

However, he couldn’t bring himself to mention Dae or their relationship, and how Dae had transformed him.

He knew Han was hunting Dae, and if he revealed everything, Han would undoubtedly ask more questions, potentially leading to Dae’s capture.

Despite everything, Seungmin still cared enough about Dae not to endanger him.

That was really stupid of him.

Seungmin shared everything else: his financial struggles, his inability to find work, and his dire need for blood.

Han listened attentively to the entire story.

When Seungmin finished, Han pulled him into a comforting hug, reassuring him that everything would be okay.

They remained like that until Seungmin, exhausted and emotionally drained, fell asleep in Han’s arms.

Han gently carried him to his car and drove them back, deciding to take Seungmin to his own home for the time being.

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