Chapter 5

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Exactly one month later, Levi came down the stairs in a straight jacket. His eyes held terrible bags under them and his hair was a mess. Looking like he was about to pass out, the raven stopped at their room and smiled walking in. "Oi, you little shit, you better have kept this place clean and stayed out of my shit."

Eren laid on the floor asleep, the cell was near spotless. The spot that always bugged the older man was no longer there. It seemed to be covered over with what looked to be white paste. But it was dried and cleaned over as to see that it would hold. Sleeping next to the cleaning supplies, the handkerchief was still tied around his neck "Levi..." He softly mumbled in his sleep.

A smile came as he walked to Hanji's room. "Get me out of this. I have a Prince Charming to scrape off the floor."

Hanji giggled and took off the straight jacket. "Go get him."

The man nodded and walked back to the boy and picked him up bridal style. He laid him down on his bed and crawled in after him. "I'm back." He whispered softly before kissing his forehead.

Moving a bit, the boy's eyes slowly opened. They widened when he saw the older man. "Levi! Fuck!" He sat up too quickly hitting his head against the bed above him. He clutched it cursing out more.

"You fucking moron. Come here." Levi held him closer kissing his head. He wanted to laugh at the other's excitement, but held it in and only smiled.

Eren hugged the man tightly. "You're back! I-I thought you were..." He buried his head into the man's hair trying to hold back his tears.

"I don't die easily. They just locked me in a room, shocked me, and you know the occasional visit from Erwin, but nothing too bad. I wanted to get back to you." A chuckle came as he held him back. "I fucking missed you, brat." He reached up and ruffled his hair.

"I missed you too..." The bruent smiled holding him more. "I kept the cell would have thrown a fit had I left it dirty."

"I would have." Glancing at the floor, Levi noticed a certain smudge wasn't there. His eyes widened as he slid out of his grip and fell to the ground in front of where it was. "How?! How the fuck did you clean it?! This has to be a fucking joke! Where is it?!"

Eren got off the bed getting on his knees next to him. "Well it isn't really gone. I managed to take some white paste they use to coat the wall. So I covered it over, then cleaned and cleaned until I wouldn't be washed away ever again. Though I tried to clean it before." He held up his hands showing bandages wrapped around them. "This is the results of it." Shrugging a soft smile came to his lips.

"You idiot!" Levi hissed seeing his hands and looking them over. "You should have taken better care of yourself! I didn't go to the sixth floor for you to fuck around with something that doesn't matter! I hurt you..." He whispered tears falling down his cheeks. If he hadn't been so obsessed with the spot, if he hadn't drowned himself in cleaning in the first place, Eren's hands wouldn't be hurt. Holding the boy close, the raven stroked his hair. "God, I've missed you."

"I'm sorry...but I still wanted to do it...Because I thought that would rely on me from now on...and not let yourself take the blame for every little thing." Eren hugged him back tightly. "I've missed you too..."

"Eren, I didn't go because I couldn't rely on you. I did it because I don't want you getting hurt. I... I really like you and I never want to see you in pain. I definitely don't want you to be at that asshole's misery. So, I went cause I can take his shit. I went... Because... I may..." He bit his lip and looked to the side. "Love you."

Eyes widened at the last statement; had he heard right? His ears weren't playing tricks on him were they? But the way Levi his voice sounded so sincere. How he felt about it...Eren blushed at the sudden confession. Instead of responding, he grabbed his chin pulling his head back to face him; slowly leaning down and kissing him.

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