Chapter 1

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Rose Insane Asylum. A place where the mentally unstable, who are proclaimed to be a threat to society, come to in order to help correct their problems.

Ewrin Smith, owner and director of said asylum, looked over the papers of their newest member to their insane family. Eren Yeager. With bedhead brown hair and gorgeous green eyes, the young boy was currently placed in a straight jacket. A smile came on the blonde's lips as he brought him inside. "Welcome to Rose Insane Asylum. I hope we can solve whatever issues you have that put you in here."

Growling with annoyance and distaste, Eren Yeager glared back at him. "I don't have fucking issues! I don't belong here get this thing off me!"

A sigh escaped the older man's lips, he rolled his eyes at how childish he was acting. "Don't make me tranquilize you. Just calm down. I'll get you your stuff you'll be needing and take you to your roommate. He's at lunch right now. Your charts say you have anger issues so try not to kill him. His name is Levi." Erwin grabbed some clothes, hygiene equipment, and anything else Eren would need and walked him to the cafeteria where all the other inmates were.

Upon hearing the name of his roommate, curiosity got the best of Eren as he followed the man to said cafeteria. "Levi you say?"

"...Yes. I would have you be with someone else, but we are currently full in all the other rooms. So, Levi is your problem."

They walked to a table where a short black haired man was sitting reading a book.

Looking up with steel grey eyes the man somewhat glared at the two. "What the fuck do you want?" The man hissed out.

"This is your new roommate, Eren."


"Levi, be polite. He's your problem now." Erwin put down Eren's stuff on the table then walked away quickly.

"You're Levi?! Ha! You're fucking short! What could you possibly do?!" A laugh came from the brunet's lips as he bent over from the waist. "You couldn't hurt a fly!"

Levi got up and glared at him. He grabbed the straight jacket by the collar and growled at the boy. "How fucking dare you! You damn brat!" The raven slammed Eren's head on the table. "Watch your damn mouth, you piece of shit."

Eren glared back up at him before a smirk came on his lips. "Oh? That's a lot of talk for a shorty like yourself. What could you possible do?"

The man growled as he kept a strong hold on his hair and banged him down on his knee before pinning him on the ground and punching him hard in the face. "I was gonna be fucking nice and take the jacket off you, but fuck you! You got my pants and knuckles dirty with your blood! Now, sit the fuck down and be a good dog while I finish eating." Levi said in his deep commanding voice as he pushed Eren into a chair and then sat at his own. He would be sure to complain to Erwin later.

Spitting out some blood, the brunet glanced back at the one known as Levi. "Tch." Eren looked off to the side before slumping down into his chair.

"So, what are you in here for, brat?" Levi asked eating some pudding and reading more of his book.

"Already talking back with me? Wasn't I some shitty brat to you just moments ago?" Eren turned his head to look at him. "But I'm sure you're not stupid enough to not realize why I'm here. I don't get why I am to begin with, but I don't have a choice do I?"

"You are a shitty brat. I just wanna make sure you aren't a rapist or murderer." He said nonchalantly as he leaned forward and picked his tea up by the brim sipping it. "Yeah. I don't have a choice either. I have a few rules for you since your going to be bunking with me it seems."

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