Chapter 4

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It was dark all around him, a light only shined on him. Sitting on a lifted table in the middle of the room, Levi stared out at this darkness. He was strapped down to the table, wires taped to his head as they came down going back behind him. It was obvious about what was going to happen.

Shock Therapy.

One of many when sent up to the 6th floor, the place looked horrendous. The raven was fidgeting so much knowing, feeling every piece of dirt that was on the table and straps.

"Fuck you'd think they'd clean this properly, but no. All fucking fuckers that can't do shit about cleaning. God I'm gonna have to scrub myself raw to get all tis dirt off me and my clothes." Levi kept complaining moving against the binds.

A soft hum started to come from the darkness around him.

He stopped fidgeting groaning. "Fuck my life."

In a matter of seconds a current shock was sent through the wires into his head.

The man clenched his hands together his body spazzing out from electricity going through his body. His eyes shot back open (not even knowing himself that they closed) once the first round ended. "Fuck! God fucking shit!" He coughed for he didn't get enough air into him.

Before he had time to calm down the second wave came a bit stronger than the last.

"Gah! The fuck?!" Levi shouted after the second stopped. "Fuck you Ewrin! I know you're watching this! Fuck you to hell! Gah!"

A third came then a fourth shortly after with no breaks in between.

Laying there helpless, the raven only could try and not scream out. He wouldn't let them have the privilege of seeing him break down; begging them to stop.


He had to get out of here as soon as possible, there was someone waiting for him. 'Fucking brat better be keeping our cell clean, or he'll get his ass handed to him.' The small thought of the boy brought a tiny smile to Levi's lips through the pain. There were worse, this was nothing compared to the pain he always felt.

The shocks got worse until they finally stopped, the room growing absolutely quiet. It was done for the day, or for that moment but he didn't care. All the man wanted was to sleep next to Eren; the brunet brought much comfort, so much warmth.

Levi felt cold and dead, his mind still buzzing from the pain, he couldn't hold out any longer. He needed to rest, for more will come later. The pain pushed it over the edge having him pass out and sleep.


The shorter man woke to a very bright room. "Fuck..." He closed his eyes trying to adjust to the sudden light. Once they adjusted he opened them back up.

All he could see around him was white, the walls, the floor, the ceiling all covered in white tiles. He laid on a bed towards the back of the room that had pure white sheets. Levi tried to move but his hands were bounded above him; tied to the metal beams that held up the bed.

"Oh hell no."

"Good to see you awake Levi." Sitting at the bottom of the bed, Erwin smiled sweetly to him holding a tray of food in his hands.

He groaned pulling against the binds a bit. "What the fuck do you want?"

The blond frowned a bit. "I'd think you'd be happy to see me."

"Like hell I would, how about you let me the fuck go so I could beat your ass."

Setting the tray to the side, the man climbed over Levi staring down at him. "Are you defying me Levi?"

The raven glared up at him not saying anything.

"Fine then, maybe this will change your mind about continuously defying me." Erwin forced his lips on Levi's. His hand pushed up the other's shirt and over his head as it hung above with his bounded hands.

Levi forced himself not to react, he shouldn't give in to him. He had found someone new, someone who would get him out of this place.


That boy. Eren Yeager. He was something different, he didn't just feel like a new toy to him. Levi felt more with him, those dreams, how he acted with him. It was-

Erwin bit into the raven's skin. He traveled down his neck to his chest leaving his marks all over him. "You are mine Levi, we belong together. No little boy will take you away." The blond pushed down his pants and boxers until they were completely off. Erwin teasingly stroked him as he worked to get his own clothing off.

Bitting his lip, Levi fought against the urge to moan. It was still good, but he didn't want to feel it with him. He wanted to feel someone else.

Once his clothes were all off, the blond thrusted into him with no preparation. "You've been very disobedient lately, you'll be punished."

The raven gasped when he felt himself get filled; he gripped the bounds and his shirt as he was being pounded into. He wouldn't cry out, he wouldn't give into him.

Erwin licked along his neck leaving more marks across it, he came back up and kissed him again still thrusting harder into him. Forcing open Levi's mouth his tongue went inside mapping out every inch of it; savoring the taste. His hand came down and stroke the other's cock slowly drawing it out while all the more thrusting.

Levi was done, he wanted to be done. He knew how to stop it, but he didn't want to be reduced to begging. No he wouldn't give in, he wouldn't- "Fuck. You." He spat out when he could finally breath again.

"Finally you responded, but not exactly what I wanted though. You know how this ends Levi." He whispered in his ear before licking it.

Cringing a bit and forcing down a moan, the shorter man still held his ground even when the need to release was apparent.

"Hmm...I'll be nice today, but don't think this will happen often." Erwin increased his pace as he grunted a bit in his erratic thrusts.

Levi gasped when he finally released all over their stomachs. He tried not to cringe again when he felt himself be filled with the other's seeds.

The blond kissed him softly on the head before pulling out. He cleaned himself up putting his clothes back on. "Your food is still there, and a towel to clean yourself up. I hope you learned your lesson Levi." Taking off one of his binds he walks to the door opening it. "I'll see you soon, be a good kitten now." He closed the door and locking it behind him.

Silence came with only the sound of panting coming from the raven. He was already tired, he knew he was going to be sore in the morning.

A daily routine. Shock therapy. The occasional visit from Erwin. That was his time up here on the 6th floor.

'This is nothing...just last...I need to be good...I have to return. He's waiting for me...' Levi's eyes slowly closed, not having the energy to keep them open.

He needed to go back. Eren was waiting for him. His brat. The one he loved.

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