Truth or Dare?

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I faintly hear a beeping noise but too tired to do anything about it, I click it off. 

"Parker get your lazy butt down here right now!!"

 I finally manage to open my eyes fully. Fuck!! I stare open eyed at my clock reading 8:00. I check my phone to see 10 missed calls from Bestie Boo Alice. I quickly get out of bed and put on the outfit I laid out the night before. The Parker classic: black ripped jeans, a tight fitting top, and one of my collection of oversized jackets- today's pick being a black leather one. I quickly brush through my short, dark brown hair and apply a light mascara and eyeshadow. Perfect. 

"Im not kidding Parker!! Get down here right now or else I'll have to drive you!!" I could hear my mom yell from downstairs. 

"Coming!! I just texted Alice and she said that she's still out front!!" I yell back. 

I run down the stairs and shift into my black combat boots. I grab a quick protein bar before saying, "love you mom! Don't forget-" 

Before I could finish my mom cut me off with a sly smile and by saying, "I know I know! Your annual first day of school sleepover! This'll be the last year and everything!"

I closed the door behind me. That's right, senior year. I run up to the black car in front of the house that's blasting Billie Eilish. 

"Hey Parkie Poooooo!! You ready for our last year?!" She changes the gears of the car and it begins to move. 

"God no. After everything with Stephanie last year... not a chance I want to walk those halls again!" I ruffle my hair in my hands as Alice turns to me, meeting my brown eyes to her green ones. Sympathy... great. "Don't give me that look!"

"Fine! It's just... this year WILL be better! I know it!" She started smiling at me with relentless optimism.

"Yeah probably because you have a new hubby huh? Alphonso's totally a babe too. Maybe if I wasn't into boobs I'd like him." I shot her a sly smile. 

"This is why you need a new gf STAT!" She said as we pulled up to the all so familiar place. 

I got out of her car and the first person I see is... Stephanie. She looks at me guiltily and turns around to face her friend as they walk in the building. Like I care, bitch! I just hope I don't have any classes with her. Alice and me already got our schedules in advance and the only class we share together is math at the end of the day. This is going to be a long day. I open the door to science class and look around. I saw an empty seat in the back and took it. I really don't feel like facing anyone after last year. Just as the bell was about to ring, I looked up in horror to see Kaitlyn Myers. But horror wasn't the only thing I felt when our eyes met. Her blue eyes had a sort of sparkle to them. Like sapphire. I felt as my blood rushed to my cheeks. I quickly shooed away my thoughts when she gave me a sly smile. Great! I'm gonna be her next target! The girl who makes anyone's life a living hell with the snap of her fingers just smiled at me! Yup, I'm a goner!!  Luckily she decided to sit 2 rows in front of me. Just as I thought I would get some well deserved alone time in the back Jeremy came to sit next to me. 

"Hey Park!" He greeted as he started pulling out a notebook. 

"Hey Jeremy." I rolled my eyes and turned to face the board. We were on good terms, friends even, but I knew the real reason why he sat here. 

"So," he started in a faint whisper, "What's the deal with you and Steph... You know after the whole cheating thing last year." 

I turned to his brown eyes as he straightened out his blonde hair. "Nothing. End of story. Now drop it" I whispered between my clenched teeth. 

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