Let me help you with that

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As the sapphire-eyed girl walked into the bathroom I felt my face get increasingly red. Why was she here?? I eyed her as she kept checking her appearance in the mirror. Hot hot hot hot!!. As she touched up her makeup and fluffed up her hair I couldn't help but stare. Crap!  She knew I was staring!! I watched as her eyes turned to look down at me. 

"Um, can I help you?" she scoffed, proceeding to reapply her makeup. 

"N-no, I was j-just umm" I scratched the back of my neck, unsure of how to continue this conversation. 

She turned once more to look at me again almost as if she did a double take. "Ohhh. You're the girl who tried helping Jeremy yesterday, huh?" A smirk played on her lips. "Bold, I'll give you that..." she paused, as if deep in thought. "But this morning... now that was bold!" she broke out into a fit of laughter while capping her mascara bottle. She then leaned in closer to me. I could feel her warm vanilla breath against my lips. She whispered, "Don't fucking try that again." She then backed away and shot me an aggressive glare while leaving the bathroom. 

What the fuck just happened?!?!?!?! Okay Parker calm down. Let's think about this logically. Does she hate me? Yes. Do I also feel like she took any ability to breathe away from me? Also yes. Am I scared out of my mind about completing this dare? Yes!! I was now completely sure I wasn't going to be able to make it back to class in one piece so I decided to stay the rest of the period in the bathroom. Luckily for me I texted Alice and she grabbed my stuff. 

Alice marched in, "Okay why the hell is my bestie sulking on the gross bathroom floor??" She sat down next to me. "Yuck." She stuck out her tongue as she picked up the crumpled paper towel and threw it in the trash can across the bathroom. I could feel her staring at me waiting for an explanation. What do I even tell her? That in no way I can't do that dare because every time I even glance at my target I feel like I want to faint?! Or that I still don't even like her cause she's such a bitch! Not to mention the fact that she scoffed in my face!! Say something, anything. 

"U-Uh I just didn't get enough sleep last night!!" I started an obviously faux laughter. 

Alice just kept glaring at me, "You have always been SUCH a BAD LIAR!!" her voice kept raising. "Just spit it out Park!!!!!!!!"

"Ugh fine!! So you know that dare..." I paused, he eyes still on me, "Well this morning she like ripped out my headphones as I was walking, okay? And so..."

"So??????" She was getting impatient with my lack of context. 

"I like... tried to flirt with her!! And so I asked if she was blushing cause when she took out my headphones her hand was on my shoulder, and then... she ran away disgusted!! Like full on how you look when you touch a mushroom!!" 

Alice's eyes widened and. then she started giggling, "Well you really thought this was gonna be so easy huh? She's literally the queen bitch of this school!! That's why I gave you the dare, it's a challenge!!" She put emphasis on the word challenge. "You didn't think I'd go easy on you, huh?"

I rolled my eyes, "Okay Ms. I still have a crush on my best friend's brother."

She shot me a dirty look and stood up. "Okay let's leave before one of the teachers catches us in here. Plus, I'm starving!!"

I followed her out to the cafeteria and sat at a table while Alice offered to get us both food. I scrolled on my phone until I heard a loud thud. I quickly looked over to see Alice on the floor and both of our meals on top of her. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" I ran over to her and started picking macaroni out of her hair. 

I looked up to see an all too familiar sapphire eyed girl. She stood tall, cackling with her good squad as they took photos. But our trays were in her little friend's hands? So they did this? Not her? Of course. She probably just gets them to do her work for her. I rolled my eyes at the thought. A sudden cold feeling on my head rushed me out of my thoughts. I glanced up to see Kaitlyn's goon standing over me with a now empty milk carton. 

"Oops!" She pretended to act innocent, while continuing her obnoxious laughter. 

"What the fuck Stacy!!" So that's her name. "I told you!! She's mine!"

My heart was beating so fast I couldn't even think. She's mine?? I kept replaying that phrase in my head over and over. Mine? Mine as in I already won my dare? Mine as in- Something pushed me out of my thoughts. No literally, I got pushed to the ground. It was Kaitlyn. At this point she was standing over me with a smirk on her face that I couldn't read. Stacy seemed to have stormed off along with her other goons and people seemed to stop staring. It was just me and her, and my heart kept hammering against my chest. It didn't help that she crouched down to meet my level, her sapphire eyes peering into my soul. 

"Let me help you with this~" She sung as she proceeded to pry the only piece of clothing not covered in milk, my jacket, off of my shoulders. She stood up with my jacket in hand and turned around, just leaving me in my milk stained shirt with wide eyes. Fuck she looks so good walking away... Wait. Now I have nothing to cover up with. That bitch!!

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