You said what...?

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I jumped back in surprise. "You're joking!"

As I was nervously laughing I noticed Alice's deadpanned expression on her face. She's serious. She's actually being serious. With a shrug Alice then said, "You and me both know you need a love life and I need some entertainment. Two birds with one stone duh!!"

"Ohhhhh, so this is all some sick joke to you??!!" I noticed Alices grin as I continued, "Okay even IF I take you seriously... how would I even do that? I mean Kaitlyn Green! She's insanely hot and popular!! Like that blonde hair and those eyes! She could have ANY boy she wants!!" 

"And here I was thinking you would care more about her being a bully..." Alice said while laughing and coughing up sprite. 

I gave her an annoyed glare. "Okay that too!! If she bullies me then how the hell am I supposed to even get close to her??!!"

"Geez. Okay, chill out. You have time!! Don't you just looooove slow burn romances?" She said with a hint of amusement in her voice.  

"You read too much." I roll my eyes as I scroll to find the next movie for us to watch. This is going to be a long year. 

My eyes slowly opened and adjusted to light while feeling an agressive tug on my shoulder. I turn to my side, "Hey what are you-"

As I came crashing off the bed, Alice stood over me victorious. "It's time for schooooool!!"

I then started brushing through my hair and putting on my clothes for the day. I decided on black shorts, a tight fit tee, and a military-esc jacket today. Once I was satisfied with my appearance I turned to Alice. "Damn girl. Kaitlyn's totally gonna be head over heels for you in no time." 

Okay I wasn't ashamed of my appearance necessarily. After 4 years of high school I feel like I've gotten a pretty good sense of a style and after being in the athletic club for 4 years my body has gotten in good shape. Today I needed to look extra perfect. I decided on putting on some vanilla-scented perfume and I put on a set of rings. Alice grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door. As we arrived at the school I felt extra nervous today. What if I can't get her to fall for me? What if she doesn't even like girls? And I haven't even had a conversation with her like ever. I know she has dated Brad on and off, but still... Ugh!! Why couldn't Alice have picked something more obtainable!! But I am NOT backing out of my senior year dare. No way. Okay I got this. I hyped myself up by putting my earbuds in my ears and turning on Lunch by Billie Eiilish. Okay no dirty thoughts!! As I was approaching the school building I was instantly pulled back into reality by my earbuds being tugged out. I looked to the side to see the one and only Kaitlyn. 

She grinned at me, "Well, well, if it isn't the little bitch who felt like being all brave yesterday?!" 

I glared at her, then my eyes moved to her hand that fell to my shoulder, earbuds held tightly in it. Fuck. I forgot about the dare. I decided that I needed to fight back... but maybe in a different way. "Eager to get my attention huh?" I shot her a devilish grin and winked. 

She slowly backed up. With a disgusted face!! Fuck me. This is never going to work. What do I do? Okay think Parker think. She's still staring at your with that face. Okay maybe she didn't get the full message? "Why the shocked face? Are you fighting back a blush?" As I said that, she took notice to her hand on my shoulder and quickly removed it and dropped my earbuds. Her strawberry pink lips flattened into an annoyed expression. Cute. 

She turned around and flipped her long blonde hair in my face. I couldn't read her expression as she left but I did draw my attention to her low cut jean shorts. Hot. And that v neck-off shoulder top. Hotter. Okay stop ogling her and focus on your dare Parker!  I am not letting my feelings get in the way of this because I know for a fact that it would make this whole situation 10x harder if I actually liked Kaitlyn. Which I don't. A loud ringing bell snapped me out of my thoughts. Great. Now I'm late to class. Oh shit. I have that class with her. What do I even say to someone who looked like they wanted to fucking kill me. I've got no clue. 

When I walked into class I earned a sharp glare from my teacher, so I quickly sat down in my seat. It didn't help that I felt Kaitlyn's eyes on me the whole time. Jeremy gave me a small nod hello and class started. 

Is she trying to intimidate me? Distract me? It's only been half of this class but I've felt Kaitlyn's eyes on me the whole time. I needed to get out of here. I raised my hand, "Can I please go to the bathroom?" The teacher gave me a nod so I rushed out of the classroom. 

I wasn't going back in there anytime soon so I sat next to the sink and leaned my head against the wall. What does she want? Is she really going to kill me? How am I even supposed to-. My thoughts were interrupted by a peculiar blue eyed girl who walked in. Great. Just Great. 

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