Coffee Shop Meeting

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After the whole falling incident of the day I was ready for the day to be over and the weekend to start. I've already texted Alice to meet me at her car after school because I decided to skip my last 2 classes. I really didn't have the energy to deal with what happened today. I felt a light buzz in my pocket, expecting to see a response from Alice, but instead I saw my dad's contact name pop up. I really should've blocked him.  I roll my eyes and don't answer it. That bitch has the audacity to call me after everything that happened last year? No way in hell. I was not about to deal with that confrontation.

Since I have 2 hours to kill, I decided to walk to the local coffee shop across from the school. I need some sugar, so I got a vanilla frappe and sat at the booth next to the window. As I looked out the window thinking about my day, I felt my heart drop. Brad. I instantly knew what that meant. And my suspicions were confirmed when a certain blonde stepped into the car with him. Just great!! I skip class to clear my mind and she's already beat me to it. I can't help but stare at the car through the window. My heart panned in my chest. Why aren't they leaving? Oh god... does that mean? I suddenly didn't feel like drinking the rest of my frappe, but rather I just lied my head on the table. But I might as well get some schoolwork done so I brought out my notebook and started doing math, at least it's my favorite subject. 

An hour passed by and I just now finished most of my homework. I looked back out the window. Did she leave the car? Why was I so worried about her when we've literally only had like 2 conversations, both of which involved threats. Just as I was thinking that I watched as Brad's car door opened. She's been in there the entire hour?? Oh. My. God. I tried refocusing my attention anywhere else, but her slightly messy hair and somehow deeper v-neck were stopping me. Just as I thought this day couldn't get any worse she started walking toward the coffee shop. No, no, no, no. Turn around!! But my silent prayers were pointless as I heard the door's bel jingle and watched and she and Brad walked in. Hand in hand. I wanted to puke. Was it because I'm pretty sure they just had sex in his car? That's probably it. I rolled my eyes at his obnoxious laughter as they were ordering. And to top it all off, the coffee shop was near empty since it was only 2. I needed to get out of there. I started packing up my notebooks and I grabbed my zip-up hoodie to stand up, but before I could, she looked in my direction. Great!! Just great. I avoided her eye contact at all costs as I made my way to the door. I could hear Brad whispering to her about something, but I couldn't make out what he said. 

I felt a hard throbbing pain on my head. I couldn't see or hear anything. Just a blank void of confusion surrounded me. Then, I slowly saw the light creep through my pupils as I was being an offered a hand. I couldn't make out who it was so I willingly took it and rubbed the back of my head. Was I just on the ground? The pain became very apparent as I felt a sharp pain in both my head and back, falling forward from the sudden shock. I fell into something, or rather someone. 

"Get off me!" That voice was all too familiar to me. Kaitlyn. Fuuuuuuuck!! Why do these things keep happening to me? I quickly got off of her and adjusted myself upright. 

My vision finally cleared up as I watched a smug Brad laughing his ass off. "The fuck are you laughing at dickwad?" 

His expression instantly turned serious, "Who the fuck do you think you're talking too huh? You gay bitch" he switched back to his obnoxious laughter. 

"At least I don't go shoving my dick in public places" I said rolling my eyes and patting myself off once more. "Like a car for gods sake" I chuckled. "Have some basic human decency Brad" I spit that last word. 

I am so done with today. I went to turn to leave when the pain in my head reminded me why I was mad in the first place. I turned back and saw Brad fuming, but wait? Was Kaitlyn holding him back? Brad quickly broke out of her intense staring to spit at me, "You little fucker, watch your back! I would hate for you to trip and fall again" he held up that nasty grin while sticking out his tongue at me. Such a baby. I seriously don't know what she sees in him. 

Kaitlyn just stayed silent, still watching Brad and making sure to keep him in line. I shot her a sly smile and she looked back at me and gave me a look that read, "I'm holding him back for my sake, not yours."

I ignored her look and walked out the door. Yeah, I'm not getting coffee again for a while...

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