I'm not sure this is...

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Shiloh uncloaked herself as she heard creaking from behind her. "Agh!" She screamed.

"Shh! It's just me!" (Y/N) said. Shiloh nodded and smiled.

"Oh! Good, thank you, (Y/N)." Shiloh smiled, "Do you... Have it?"

"Yep." (Y/N) smiled, holding out a queen chess piece, more specifically, one she required from Marcus. "It's weird knowing I turned into this."

"Yeah, it really is." Shiloh nodded and placed the chess piece on one of the podiums, "You've turned off the security cameras and everything, right? We can't have them knowing what we're doing."

"You know I want to help, of course I did." (Y/N) smiled before hesitatingly saying, "Shiloh... Do you think we're doing the correct thing? After all, I don't know how I feel about going behind... Your everyone's backs."

"You mean going behind Elijah's back? (Y/N), we're going to be fine as long as we don't get caught." Shiloh reassured her, "After all, this is for our mom. Everyone hasn't been the same since she disappeared."

"Yeah, I remember what happened." (Y/N) nodded, trying not to think of that day. She remembered helping the family whenever they needed, but soon, their mom suddenly disappeared one day.

They were so determined to find her and bring her back since, after all, what would they do without her? Not only was she a leader but she was their mom, I mean, if (Y/N)'s dad went missing than she wouldn't know what to do with herself.

She remembered staying over night with the family, trying to give them comfort the best as she could. It was Shiloh and Elijah who took it the hardest though. (Y/N) couldn't bear the thought of seeing her best friend and... Elijah so devastated.

She was heartbroken. And when Shiloh went to (Y/N) for help, she agreed. But she didn't know if she could keep the secret.

"But... If your brother ever found out, Shiloh... He'd never forgive you." (Y/N) reached over and touched her best friend's shoulder.

"I know, (Y/N)... I know." Shiloh swallowed hard, "But he won't. We're almost done. We just have one more."

⁕⁎𝕰𝖑𝖎𝖏𝖆𝖍 𝕹𝖊𝖑𝖘𝖔𝖓 ⁎⁕Where stories live. Discover now