(REQUESTED)- Jayden Campbell

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Requested By: @myahscorner

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Requested By: @myahscorner

Sitting in bed watching some tv while doing find a word's was very relaxing but I was slowly getting board so I decided to go hit the town.

Getting out of bed I turned the tv off an put my book's away, making my bed I grabbed my phone an went into the bathroom. Stripping I hopped into the shower an took a lovely warm shower.

Tying my shoelace's on my van's I stood up an left my bedroom I grabbed my bag an put it over my shoulder Let's go spend alot of money -I said opening my front door

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Tying my shoelace's on my van's I stood up an left my bedroom I grabbed my bag an put it over my shoulder Let's go spend alot of money -I said opening my front door.

Tying my shoelace's on my van's I stood up an left my bedroom I grabbed my bag an put it over my shoulder Let's go spend alot of money -I said opening my front door

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Opening the garage I let it open an then walked in hopping in my car I turned it on an reversed out of the garage. Driving to the Pacific Fair Shopping Centre.

Arriving I parked my car an got out of the car locking it I walked inside an looked around.

Finding a cafe I walked in after a few hour's of shopping I had a trolley full of bag's, sitting down I grabbed my phone an walked to the register.

Hi could I get 1 ham cheese an tomato toastie with a flat white -I said "Of course anything else" -She said That's it -I said.

I got my food an sat down, eating my food while scrolling through social media I looked up to see a really cute guy with tattoo's he even looked hot.

Jayden's POV
Walking into a cafe I saw this girl with a blue summer dress on she looked so pretty she was a walking goddess I watched as she stood up an I went to ask her for her number but she walked out.

I'm never going to see her again fuck their goes another chance -I said to myself Sir -Barista said Oh sorry -I said now that's awkward.

Y/n's POV
It was the next week an I was scrolling through my email's when I read one Job Application: Approved I squealed when I saw I got the job of being Gold Coast Titans Medic.

Looking through the email I responded an soon I was told I could start at the next game.

Game day I was out of bed eating some breakfast ready for today through this time I had met the team just not the player's but the boy's did get told that their was a new medic.

Game day I was out of bed eating some breakfast ready for today through this time I had met the team just not the player's but the boy's did get told that their was a new medic

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I left the house an into my car I drove to the stadium thankfully it was a home game. Arriving I parked the car an got out You can do this Y/n -I said to myself breathing.

Walking inside the stadium I found the room for employee's knocking, it soon opened Hello Y/n come on in -Trainer said Hello -I said walking in.

Ok so game start's in an hour any injuries you will come on field with me an then we take them here an you do either a HIA or a Injury Assessment -He said Cool -I said smiling.

Sitting on the bench next to the trainer the game started an I recognized a player Holy shit -I whispered Who's the guy with the tattoo's -I said pointing That's Jayden Campbell why -He said.

Oh I saw him at a cafe but didn't know who he was -I said Right -He said as we watched the game continue. Our eye's drifted to Jayden who got tackled down but was holding his leg.

Let's go -He said we stood up an ran on, to Jayden I knelt down beside him Hi Jayden I'm Y/n can you tell me where the pain is currently your leg, ankle or foot -I said Leg -He said looking at me confused.

I nodded Ok can you move it -I said No -He said Alright were gonna need a stretcher -Trainer said Yep -I said as the stretcher cart came on.

Jayden got transfered onto the stretcher an placed on the cart I sat beside Jayden as the crowd cheered, arriving at the room we laid Jayden on the bed.

Are you that girl from the cafe -Jayden asked Yep that's me unless their's someone else -I said Blue dress checkered van's -He said That would be me -I said.

Feeling around Jayden's leg it had been known he broke his leg Alright Jayden sorry to say you have broken your leg it should take roughly 6 to 8 week's to heal -I said

He nodded But could I get your number -He said I looked around Fine -I said giving him my phone number he smiled as he kissed my cheek an left the room.

The End.

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