(SMUT)Herbie Farnworth- Your cute

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Arriving home from work I slumped on the couch an just laid their So comfy -I let out my phone dinged so I looked at it

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Arriving home from work I slumped on the couch an just laid their So comfy -I let out my phone dinged so I looked at it.

Arriving home from work I slumped on the couch an just laid their So comfy -I let out my phone dinged so I looked at it

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Putting my phone down I went into my room an got changed. Grabbing my bag with an outfit for tomorrow I walked out of my apartment an down to the garage.

 Grabbing my bag with an outfit for tomorrow I walked out of my apartment an down to the garage

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eaching my car I unlocked it an hopped in putting my bag in the passenger seat I drove out of the garage an drove to Herbie's place.

Pulling into Herbie's driveway the garage opened an he waved me in so I pulled into the garage I got out I get the garage service wow Herbie -I said Yeh well their's mean't to be a hail storm so I don't want your car damaged -He said Aw thank you -I said as he grabbed my bag.

Walking inside I took my shoe's off an dumped my bag by the kitchen counter. Sitting on the couch we watched tv an laid around.

I scrolled through tiktok What do you want for dinner -He said Ordering -I said Yeh -He said Ooh uhm KFC -I said Ok Normal order -He said Yes thank you -I said.

The food had arrived an the storm was happening I had my chip's while drinking my drink Kfc is the best -I let out Mhm -He murmured You know Herbie your cute -I said.

What -He said Your ugly -I said He put his food down an looked at me What did you say before -He said I said your ugly -I said standing up to go to the bathroom not really.

He followed me No you didn't -He said Yes I did -I said turning to him as I entered his room He stepped forward an put a hand on my cheek I know you called me cute -He said So why ask -I said glaring an turning around.

Feeling myself fall onto the bed Herbie climbed onto me Your cute to -He said kissing me I kissed back Mhm -I groaned he pulled my pant's down then my sweater.

Wow -He said licking his lip's Hurry up -I said Geez ok -He said unbuckling my bra an chucking it he pulled my undie's down. He leaned an bit my nipple I moaned as he rubbed my vagina Herbie -I moaned out.

He entered a finger an I arched my back He created hickey's on my neck I moaned Please Herbie -I said What do you want baby -He said Fuck me -I said.

Herbie took off his clothes off an slowly climbed onto me I stroked his dick He slowly entered into me Oh my fucking lord -I moaned out Your so tight babygirl -He said I attached my lip's to his he slipped his tongue in an we made out as he railed me.



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Herbie.Farnworth: Waking upto this girl every morning is a dream.

ReeceWalsh: You down bad
JordanRiki: He finally did it

Waking upto sunlight in my eye's I groaned an rolled over Herbie -I said Mhm -He groaned I felt him bring me closer Morning baby -He said Morning -I said pecking his lip's I could get used to this -He said as I straddled his leg's Me to your bed's comfy -I said Yeh what about me -He said Your comfy to -I said kissing him he groped my butt mhm -I moaned slipping my tongue in his mouth He laid me down.

We can do round 2 -He said kissing down my neck After brekkie -I said grabbing my phone an seeing Herbie's post Herbie -I yelled Yes my dear -He said walking in.

I got out of bed Don't post me asleep I'm ugly -I said in his face He walked me backwards Obviously I didn't show you how beautiful you were yesterday night so I'ma show you again -He said chucking me on the bed an onto round 2 we went.

The End.

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