Izack Tago- Brian's Wedding

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Today was the day my older brother was going to be getting married to Moesha I was a bridesmaid an we were all waiting in the house to get ready

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Today was the day my older brother was going to be getting married to Moesha I was a bridesmaid an we were all waiting in the house to get ready.

We got the go ahead, I got in a makeup an hair chair an the girl's went an did their thing. Walking into a change room I got changed.

 Walking into a change room I got changed

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(Sunglasses arent on just yet)

Leaving the change room's I walked to Leona "You look pretty Y/n" -She said Thank you, you look amazing -I said "Aw thank's" -She said.

Soon we were told to turn around I turned around an heard heel's. *Please turn around* -Lady said We turned around to see Moesha.

I let a few tear's fall down my cheek's "Please don't cry" -Moesha said Already done -I said She laughed an I did a quick touch up.

We arrived at the venue an were told to stay outside as the guest entered I had not seen Izack at all today but I will. Moesha was back at the house.

The Ring boy's walked in an looked so cute I watched as Stephen an Spencer walked inside. Everyone was asked to stand as Brian walked through with our parent's.

Our turn I was leading an shaking my hand Leona took my hand ^It's ok^ -She said I nodded. I got my que an walked through taking a step an stopping then taking another till the end.

I looked up to meet Izack's eye's He nodded an winked I smiled as I got to the aisle an saw Brian he had a tear come down his cheek I smiled.

Standing on the platform with the other girl's an kid's we waited for Moesha. Brian was severely crying I saw him look at me I nodded an smiled.

Looking ahead to see Moesha a tear fell from my eye I wiped it, Moesha came to the end an I looked to the groomsmen side to see Izack I smiled.

Moesha's dad started talking an soon handed her over to Brian, me an the girl's walked down the stair's to the chair's an we stood their as music played.

I sang along as the song came to an end an clapped. The priest started speaking again an we all sat down. I do -Brian said "I do" -Moesha said.

Tear's fell down my cheek's I was a crying mess. Moesha started crying I was holding hand's with Leona. The ring boy went up an he looked so cute.

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