Chapter 3

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"Coming?" she walks out of the bathroom fully dressed with a towel wrapped around her head. Did she take a shower?

"Huh...I..." I stutter. I can't stay here. I need to get home and I need to call Heng. I at least have to let someone know that I am fine and alive and well. I have to tell my parents. What do I do? Why am I even thinking about that? Shit! If I want to leave then I will leave, "I got to go."

She smiles to me then stretches out her hand for me to grab, "I know but I can't let you walk out of here on an empty stomach. You must be hungry and we are still not done talking."

"It's OK; I'll just grab something along the way. And the talking, we can do that over the phone." I quickly get off the bed and I am glad that my legs regained their strength. I start looking for my purse, which was somewhere on a chair across the room.

I did not notice when she gets a hold of me from behind and clasps my waist within her arms, "Don't move!"

I stand frozen.

We stay like this for a minute without speaking. Her hold became tightened as each minutes went by and I am feeling suffocated. Why is she holding me like this? Why is she holding me like her life depended on it? Why am I feeling so cool about it?

"There's a helicopter hovering above my window." She whispers, "It's been there for quite a while now. It's full with paparazzi."

Her bed is underneath a grand window from which the sky is clearly seen. I discreetly look through the open glass and I see a faint helicopter a few kilometers away from us. "This is going to be annoying."

"Welcome to my life! I have absolutely no privacy." She breathes and brings down her mouth to my jugular.

I bring my hands up on her clasps hands on my waist and I caress her gently, "I said that I'd be your fiancée, I should probably act like it." I say. Then I leaned my head back making my neck accessible for her to run her lips on. I feel her breathing, her heavy breathy air brushing against the weakened flesh of my neck. Her lips chastely leave a trail of kisses alongside before she scarcely lets her tongue take my natural body taste within the buds. I slowly turn around to hold her fervent gaze in mine and then I grab her face in both of my hands and I kiss her tenderly. I can't believe I am doing this? I let myself weakened for a minute as I relax in the kiss that I came to realize that I am enjoying too much. I pull away, clashing my forehead against hers. I see her eyes are still closed then a small grin perks on her lips.

"Are you sure you're not gay?" she breathes. I feel her hand roaming around my waist then bringing me in closer into her embrace.

"I'm a damn good actress, don't be fooled." I say. "Are they still there?"

She pulls away then looks over my head then releases me almost too quickly, "They're gone."

I turn around to look up at the window, "Is it always like this?"

"Please, they sneak in the house too. That's nothing." She makes a dismissive gesture. "So, can you please join me for lunch? I don't want to eat alone."

I nod hesitatingly, "But first, I need to call someone."

"Your friend Heng?"

I frown.

She smirks, "I know him too. Don't worry about it. He's been informed."

I frown deeper, "How?"

"I sent my men to grant him a little visit." She says. "Now, let's go have lunch."

"I still have to tell my parents." I brush past her.

"They've also been informed. And they were more than happy to leave you here. They even said, and I quote, 'She can stay as long as she wants'."

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