Chapter 5

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My mother prepared her famous soufflé which was my dad's favorite. I wish dad was here right now to enjoy this amazing chocolate soufflé. My father loves chocolate too much; I have to say that he even has an obsession. I told him to watch it because; his belly might be getting a little bit too big from all of this chocolate that he keeps consuming. But, he always laughs and tells me that it doesn't matter because he knows my mother will love him no matter how he looks or what he does. I believe it because they have done some pretty fucked-up shit over the years that they've been married to each other – consumption of marijuana for example. Well, they say they believe that people should be able to utilize the plant for medicine purposes and frankly, I support the point of view. My mother and my father have stuck by each other all these years and I am grateful that I grew up with such family. They make me believe in love, and partnership up until I met her...

"Your soufflé is delicious Molly. I seriously am enjoying it." she takes her bite out of her second soufflé so far.

"Doesn't your mother prepare some for you?" My mother asks.

She gently places the spoon down by the plate, "My mother doesn't have time to cook."

I see her smile quickly fading from her face, and her eyes shooting a faint twinkle that calls for a forming tear.

My mother nods, recognizing the change of aura, then kindly offers to give her more of the soufflé, "would you like some more dear?"

She rubs her stomach, "I'm alright Molly, and I thank you. I think I ate too much already that I am ready to burst."

No shit! I roll my eyes.

"Becky, how are your parents with the wedding?"

I shot my mother a glare, "Mom, I don't think we should talk about this." The fact that it is lie gnaws at me and having to keep prolonging it by talking about it is even worse.

She shakes her head, "It's OK. Truthfully I haven't told them yet. I'm a bit scared of how they will react to the news."

Then why is she even doing this?

"Why would you be scared? Are they..." she looks for the proper term, "...un-evolved?"

"Well, you could say that." She smiles.

"How are your parents Becky?" My mother inquiringly looks to know more about Becky. Well, I guess she should, she's her fake-daughter-in-law after all.

"Mom..." I whine.

"It is fine, I am about to be part of the family soon. The least I could do is let your parents know about me." She assures me and discreetly winks at me. She turns back to my mother, "I haven't seen my mother in two years and my biological father left my mother when I was six. I now have a step-father name Bruce Cooper, he's a congressman. I don't really bond that much with him so, we're not really close. So, to say that I know how they are as far as their well-being goes, I don't know. But from the newspapers and national TV news, I'd say that you've all seen that their careers are at their best right now. So, I suppose that they are fine."

Wow! I feel kind of sad now.

"What do you mean you haven't seen your mother in two years?" My mother keeps asking questions that obviously tense up the atmosphere.

She chuckles, "She travels a lot due to business meetings and affairs. I don't see much of her. I live alone, you could say."

Alone? In that big house? By herself? She must feel lonely.

"I used to see her about thrice a year before but now, I see less and less of her." She shrugs, "So, yeah!"

"So you leave alone? Since when have you been on your own?" My mother pours her a little bit more juice in her glass.

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