.temporarily emotionless.

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Did u ever feel like all ur emotions have disappeared? They just evaporated and never came back? U stopped caring crying smiling getting angry ur just staring at nothing feeling emotionless...u can't even bring urself to smile... u feel numb and alone u wanna cry but nothing comes out of ur eyes u wanna laugh but no sound comes out of ur mouth.... u feel overwhelmed by this feeling u wanna brush it away u want it to dissappear but still nobody understands and keeps on telling u: "stop acting so depressed" like do u even know how depression is like? U just wanna lock ur self in ur room u don't wanna talk to anyone. No one. U wanna stay alone nobody telling u how u should feel it's like if u wasted all ur emotions on stupid silly things.... what is this feeling? Feeling like u r drowning in an ocean of thoughts of why am I like this? And more overwhelming questions....u can't escape it.....nobody understands...instead they keep making the feeling... why r ppl like this?



Hi yall I am back srry for not posting in thus story i was posting in my other story that yall should check out ofc the drawing is mine i hope u liked it and I hope u liked this episode love yall! ♡

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