Lavish party

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It was a sunny Tuesday. John and Beth went for many walks in the past month, so we could conclude that it was also May.

Beth lifted her look at John and asked, "Well, you know John, there's this party happening tonight. It's a party that Josephine's father hosts. You met Josephine, didn't you?"

"Yes, how could I forget?" he smiled.

"It's became quite of a tradition now. Would you be up to go with me? We can go as mates," she said, making something close to puppy eyes.

"Lizzy," John said, a hint of surprise in his voice, "I must admit, I never expected an invitation to another party. You know how I feel about those formal gatherings. Honestly, I'm shocked that you want to go to those. As far as I know, you don't like them as well."

Beth nodded, understanding John's reservations. "I do know how you feel about it, John. But Josephine is one of my dearest friends. It would mean much to her if I went. And truth to be told, it would mean much to me if you went."

John paused, contemplating her words. By then, he had developed a soft place in his heart for her. He was fond of her and weak on her desires because he wanted to fulfill all of them.

"Well, I can't say no to you, can I?" he laughed.

So, the plan was made. John would pick Beth up and they would go to Josephine's home. So, it was exactly like that.

As John and Beth entered the grand hall, they were greeted by Josephine's presence. Beth's eyes lit up, and she rushed into Jo's embrace. Meanwhile, John exchanged a polite handshake with her, acknowledging the formality of the occasion.

The wall was adorned with opulent chandeliers, casting a soft, golden glow over the polished floors. The air was filled with the murmurs of conversation, laughter and the faint strains of music.

John, engaged in conversations with various guests at the party. With his quick wit and charm, he effortlessly waved through the crowd, sharing light-hearted jokes and anecdotes, so he surprisingly fit in.

There were a lot of young people at this party with a lot of interests, not a million aunties like on other formal events he has been to.

Meanwhile, Josephine and Beth were talking.

"So, Lizzy, that's the funny little project you talked about? I mean, except he lives in Fulham, he is a fine one, indeed. Have you kissed already?" Jo teased her.

"Gosh, Jo, no. I didn't even mean to do that."

"What are you going to do with him when you've annoyed your folks enough?"

"You always have to think ahead, don't you? Just let me have some fun first." Beth rolled her eyes.

When the dance floor beckoned, John took Beth's hand, guiding her across the polished expanse. They swayed to the rhythm of the music that was on John's expected disappointment (but maybe even Beth's) classical.

As the music pulsed through the party, Beth found herself seeking solace on the plush couch while John was chatting with some people. Her feet, weary from hours of dancing, yearned for a moment of respite.

Amidst the lively conversations and laughter, a tall figure with jet-black hair came up to Beth.

"Hello, miss. Mind if I join you?" he asked and was already sitting on the couch.

"Of course not, I guess," she said, feeling a bit held back from chatting because she came with John.

"My name's Edward McRoy, miss. May I know yours?"

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