Ch 14: A regular living

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*From the last scene, we readers now jump into another where Emily and Phari cast the spell to bring Iris, Lily, Muisa and Marilyn into the present era. The 4 girls fall out of the magical mirror, onto each other*

Muisa: Ouch! Lily get off me, my hair! It took a lot of time to fix it.

Lily: Here I am struggling to get up and you care about your hair?

*Two of the besties bicker*

Marilyn: No wonder why you two are besties, your friendship has been going strong since centuries.

Iris: Who thought that you two will be introduced in such way to the story?

Emily: Wait, are Muisa and Lily also a part of the past royal flashback.

Iris: you got that, right!

Marilyn: there's still 1 hour left, you made us leave before the Dragon Dance Festival took place...

Phari: Yah! We all are a part of the flashback, don't you think we all should go together?

Look what happened! We missed the introduction of Muisa and Lily's characters You two have tell us everything.

Muisa: We will!

Lily: I wish I could stay longer, we finally knew what our characters were...

Iris: Except mine-

Marilyn: I am sure your character is important and will be introduced in climax.

Iris: Honestly, I have a good gut feeling about my role.

Phari: tomorrow, we will be leaving for our hometown, how will we come here and watch the rest of the story?

I think it's gonna be long...

Marilyn: We need to find a way, otherwise we will miss the story.

We need to find why we are being reminded of it at present, there is surely an ulterior motive as if us coming here and finding this mirror was written in our fate.

Iris: Where's Sofi?

Emily: Sofi was tired after the date with Aiden, she's sleeping in her room.

Phari: Leave that aside but what Marilyn said, has a point too...

Muisa: I have some relatives here. The distance between our hometown and inaijju is not long. It will take 2 hours to come by car...We will need 2 cars for all of us to travel.

Emily: Ethan has a car, half of the members can come with me. He won't mind.

Lily: I have an old car too... others can come with me.

Iris: Let's choose two days to come here. What about Saturday and Sunday? Will yall be free?

Marilyn: Even if there will be work, I am ready to leave it behind to know about the story.

Everyone: Us too...

Emily: For now, let's head back to our rooms, Phari told me that the Director expects us to organize an annual festival since our house won last year.

Phari: He really expects us to make Mr. Eric Florence attend it.

Marilyn: Mr. Eric? Didn't Aiden tell us a way to lure him?

Phari: Exactly, let's use his idea! But that would mean-

Marilyn: mean what?

Muisa: You and me *marilyn* will have to play a major role in bringing Mr. Eric to our University-

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