10 | Remebering

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Charlotte no longer tied Charlie up when she headed into the Harbour Haven Market. Sarah couldn't stand to see him miserable outside, so she started keeping a water bowl and some special treats just for her special boy. Yes, Charlotte was at the Harbour Haven that often, having become fast friends with Sarah. Charlie raced ahead of Charlotte, almost knocking her down with his goofy enthusiasm, which only matched Sarah's at seeing him come bouncing up the steps.

"Good morning Charlie, now who's a good boy? Sarah said as she reached into her apron and pulled out a milk bone.

Charlotte shook her head and tis tsked, "You're turning him into a spoiled dog."

Sarah quickly retorted, "You're just worried he will start liking me more."

Charlotte threw her hands up in defeat, "He already does," and placed a jar of tea on the counter for Sarah.

Charlotte had been making up special tea blends, at first for just Sarah and slowly for a few friends who frequented the shop. Simple teas, for more energy, better sleep, and nagging heartburn, which was a favourite of Barry's. Barry was an older chap, a fisherman, who seemed to like to hang about and socialize now that the season was over. He was a charmer that one and full of stories. Charlotte didn't mind listening and had come to look forward to sitting down at the shop's back corner table with a cup of tea and listening to his misadventures at sea. Today, Charlotte brought in a tea that was good at regulating body temperature and specifically controlling hot flashes.

On seeing the jar, with its big pinkish-purple flower heads from the red clover that matched her hair stripe, Sarah exclaimed. "Is that what I think it is? My god, this stuff has been a godsend; I've been able to start wearing my cozy jumpers again like one should be able to in December! Without feeling like I was going to burn up with fever."

To emphasize the point, she twirled around to fully display her red and white fair isle sweater, which was well-loved with its crocheted elbow patches. The patches were likely needed from countless hours spent bent over, with her elbows resting on the counter, shooting the breeze. "You know you do need to start accepting payment for this, Char."

Charlotte waved her hands and smiled back, "If I do, then you have to start charging me for the supply of cinnamon rolls and dog cookies you keep me in a steady supply of, and since I'm sure I'm the one making off better we can keep things just as they are." As if to agree, Charlie nudged Sarah's apron, looking for another treat. Charlotte left them to their antics and picked up a shopping basket.

She had gotten into the rhythm of popping in every couple of days or so to restock on a few fresh items. It was a lovely excuse to come in and socialize, likely missing her weekly tea date with her friends, the only thing she missed from her former life other than her children. Maybe once the island opened back up, they would come for a visit; surely, by summer, things would return to normal. They would love the island in the summer. Maratha may even consider coming to help heal.

Charlotte wondered the isles lost in thought, looking at the strange variety of things for sale. She smiled at the selection of summer toys still out for sale despite it being early December. A package for a large plastic unicorn floaty caught her attention. Charlotte's hands began to sweat, and her breath hitched tight as a strong wind suddenly blew through the store, banging the front door open with such force that it rattled the doorbells and made Charlie bark. But Charlotte was oblivious to that as her shopping basket slipped from her trembling hands to the floor, and she stood frozen in a trance.

Charlotte's thoughts were carried away through a corridor of cobwebs in her memory to a day at the beach. A beach here on the island that summer vacation. She was 12 years old, and her little sister Sophia was 9. Mom and Dad had left her in charge while they returned to the cottage to make lunch. The tide was out, and the water was flat and shallow. You could walk for what seemed like forever before the water even got up to your knees. Sophia wanted Charlotte to play with her on her unicorn floaty and drag her around the water, but Charlotte had her nose in her latest Nancy Drew book and had no interest in getting wet. She ignored her sister's pleas and pulled her sun hat down further in deviance as she settled deeper into her book. Sophia soon gave up and dragged her floaty out on her own to play.

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