...Everything was peaceful in Ninjago City. There was no news of any villain roaming the city, and the ninjas would think they could take a break from all those battles they had to deal with, right? Well, what if I told you which two individuals ret...
Now that all the ninjas are present (Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, Nya and Morro) along with their Sensei (Wu) and his assistant (Misako) within the Forest Police Station, we're all gathered in the Waiting Room waiting for the next step of the investigation.
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The two officers mentioned (Chris and Mark) told the group to wait in the room while they spoke with the Commander and the rest of their colleagues about the investigation.
Jay's POV:
While all my teammates and Master Wu were waiting for the results, the atmosphere around us was somewhat tense and silent. I decided to sit with Nya after I noticed that by her expression, she seems a little worried. So I decided to go to her.
Jay: -"Hey."
Nya upon hearing my voice, looked at me and accepted my greeting with a small smile on her face.
Nya: -"What's up Jay?"
Jay: -"I came to ask you if you don't mind if I sit next to you?"
Nya: -"Why are you asking me that question Jay? Of course you can sit next to me."
Jay: -"It's just that your brother normally look at you in a way that's a little...how do I put it...a little over-protective, even though he has accepted our relationship."
I said as I sat next to Nya, to which she tells me:
Nya: -"I'm surprised that he didn't tell you that, but I don't judge him, since he has been more concentrated in the investigation, whether they accept our help or not."
Nya said, noticing how she was looking at her brother who was in a sit several meters away from us, he was looking at the paper with the information so far about his missing old friends with a serious, but at the same time worrying expression. I then noticed to my left, and I see my best friend (Cole) staring at Kai, showing an confused expression whether to sit next to his friend or not.
When he noticed my gaze, I made a movement with my head, telling him to sit next to Kai, he quickly understood what I was trying to say as I and Nya began to watch Cole put his hand on Kai's shoulder, asking him if he could sit next to him, Kai accepted and they began to talk as Cole sat next to him.