❌ CHAPTER 10 ❌

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Cole's POV:

For a moment we were dithering over the problem of how to bring Morro, Anna and Arnouk back. And now we found ourselves with a bigger problem. We reached an area of ​​this damn cave, but now it was surrounded by some kind of infinite fabric around it.
The atmosphere became drastically tense. All our gazes focused on those fabrics, and many questions began to invade my mind while a drop of sweat fell from my cheek to my left hand.

"What are those fabrics?"

"Are they dangerous?"

The more I tried to come up with a solution, the more questions began to take over my mind. I couldn't stop looking at the fabrics, I was trying to analyze how many fabrics like those were surrounding the area, but I think it would be a waste of time if I did.
I decided to look at my companions again, to see how they were doing. And everyone was worried like I was. We weren't sure what we could do

At least...I take over the position temporarily until we're all reunited...right? After all, I was the team leader before, before Lloyd joined the team. And when Lloyd has been absent, I have temporarily taken over. But I decided to keep it in my mind, and wait for one of my companions to speak.
And my dreams were fulfilled.

-"Listen, I understand that all of us are a little worried about these types of fabrics...But we can't stay here for too long, we don't know if these fabrics will hurt us, but I'm trying to analyze the texture of those fabrics and their purposes."

I could see how my teammates, after they heard Zane speak, lowered their gazes. Maybe trying to think of what we could do. Lloyd is not here with us at the moment (as I had mentioned), and I would not want to dare to take over the leader's position quickly.
Nobody knew what to do, and there wasn't much time.

Anna's POV:

I could tell that the atmosphere became tense. Nobody knew what to do, and believe me, I'm in the same situation. I am grateful that these kind people helped in bringing us back from that dark place, but I am worried about the rest of my companions, and their health. I'm just getting to know my new teammates (Cole, Jay, Zane, and Morro), and I want to make sure I help them in any way possible.

I shifted my gaze back to those fabrics and began to analyze them more closely. Their designs caught my attention, something told me that I had already seen that type of design somewhere, but I couldn't recognize much clearly. I could only recognize that the fabric and design of it reminded me a lot of the 'obi' that the 'kimonos', 'yukata' and 'haoris' have. In fact, it reminds me of the clothing of Ignacia, those designs symbolized the clothing that is currently being used in Ignacia.

But we don't have to focus on that, we needed to know what or who is causing this. So my teammates and I lowered our heads and went to hide in some giant rocks so as not to be seen in case someone was willing to attack us.

Zane's POV:

-"Okay, we need a plan and quickly."

-"I agree with Cole."

-"But how?! Have you not seen the size of those things?!"

-"Me and Anna can't do much because being controlled for too long, it took away a lot of our power."

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