❌ CHAPTER 16 ❌

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"Returned. Escape to the outside."
[PART 3/4]

______[With Nya and Lloyd]______

Nya's POV:

After I finished creating the large water tornado. I crouched down and began to see the place. The tornado apparently did some damage to the giant crystals, but nothing out of the ordinary.
For some reason, I feel stronger. Before I was still a little weak from my injuries, but now it's like I stop feeling any kind of pain in my body.

I realized that thanks to my tornado, I separated Lloyd and Lixy (corrupted) from the battlefield. But now I have to look for Lloyd, and quickly, apparently my tornado was very strong that it ended up throwing him away, the least I wanted to imagine was my partner injured because of me.
So I quickly started running towards a small path surrounded by broken glass in search of my partner (Lloyd).

After several seconds running, I found Lloyd lying on the ground who was slowly getting up. Seeing that, I quickly ran to my partner with great concern about the state he might be in.

-"Lloyd, I'm really sorry! My intention was not to throw you that far and hurt you!"

I exclaimed with great concern as I saw Lloyd rise a little from the ground, so I quickly reached Lloyd and helped him little by little lift him up from the rocky ground.

-"Don't worry Nya, after all I knew what you were doing. Besides, I'm fine."

Lloyd stated with a small smile as he helped him up from the ground, only to see that he was already standing. At that point he turned his gaze towards me and I saw how his expression changed from a smile to an expression of surprise and some shock.
I raised my eyebrow a little, somewhat confused, and asked:

-"Is something wrong Lloyd?"

After asking the question, I see how Lloyd reacts and I respond:

-"Oh yeah, I'm sorry Nya, it's just that...well...you have a strange mark on the left side of your cheek. They look like they symbolize the waves of an ocean. And your eyes are glowing like a blue brighter."

Upon hearing that, I was surprised... but at the same time very confused, I began to look to my sides and I noticed the crystals that were in our area, so I decided to separate from Lloyd and walk a little towards that crystal to observe my reflection...
And Lloyd was right. This strange mark on my left cheek, my eyes changing their shade to a brighter blue...this is very confusing. I had never experienced anything like this when using my powers. What can it mean?

I stared at my reflection for so long that I didn't realize that Lloyd had walked towards me. He also stared at my reflection and placed his right hand on my left shoulder, causing me to become conscious again. I looked at him, and Lloyd tells me:

-"I know this must be very confusing for you Nya, but we can't let our guard down. We must meet with the others (Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Morro) and recover the rest of Kai's companions. We can decipher that mark with my uncle (Sensei Wu) after all this happens, I never want to be in this cave again."

-"Yeah, you're right..."

I said and then looked at my reflection one last time, taking a small sigh and showing seriousness in my expression. So I began to observe my surroundings, given the damage I did thanks to my water tornado and commented:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2024 ⏰

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