Chapter 6~ Im struggling

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Lucy's POV
I got woken up by kojo licking my face. Kojo seriously, I say as I sit up. Sorry Lucy i tried to stop him, Lilian says.  It's fine sweetie, I say. I was trying to get the TV on but I can't get it to work can you help me, Lilian says. Okay let me wash my face and i'm coming, I say. Okay, she says as she runs off into the living room. I get out of bed and head into the bathroom and it's kojo following right behind me. I wash my face with some soap and let it sit for a few before taking my braid out when kojo decides to jump on me. Buddy I love you but i need you to let me get ready, I say to him. I guided him out the bathroom so i could finish what i was doing. I had just finished take out my braid when I hear Angela saying Kojo. Kojo really, I say walking out of the bathroom. Did he lick your face too, I ask going over to her. Yea, she said putting her head under the cover. Sorry I'll get him out of here, I say. It's fine, she she says. No because he won't leave me alone, I say. I take Kojo outside and leave him some water out there so he can run around. Alright sweetie what do you wanna watch, I ask Lilian. Spongebob, she says jumping up and down. okay, I say laughing. Once i'm done i'm gonna cook breakfast okay, I say as i turn on spongebob. Can i help please, she asks. Sure sweetie, I say ruffing her hair up. yayy, she says hugging me and I just laugh while hugging her back. 

Ang come on so we can wash your face, I say as I pull the covers back. I don't wanna get up, she pouts. You sound like a child, I say as I laugh. Carry me , she says as she opens her arms. I just laugh and pick her up, she wraps her body's around mines and puts her head on the side of my neck. I'm still tired, she mumbles. You can go back to sleep after you eat breakfast, I say putting her on the sink counter. I'm not hungry though, she says. Well you need to eat, me and Lilian are gonna make breakfast and you can help if you want, I say moving hair out of her face. I want to help, she says with a smile. Alright, do you think you can wash your face by yourself, I ask her. Can you do it i'm tired and what the hell is on your face, she says. It's soap, I say laughing. So that's why your skin is so clear, she says. You could say that, I say laughing. I move some hair out of her face before washing it. Once i'm done washing hers I  wash the soap off of my face before throwing my hair in a messy bun. What do you want done to your hair, I ask Angela. Ponytail, she says. I put her hair in a ponytail before carrying her back in the room so I can change my clothes. Alright do you wanna change your clothes or no, I ask. She looks at what she has on before she answers, no i'm fine, she says. I head to my closet and put on some jogging pants and a tank top before picking Angela back up and heading into the kitchen. I sit Angela on the counter top beside the stove and call Lilian over so we can cook breakfast.

Angela's POV
Watching  Lucy and Lilian get along well made me happy. It was nice to see Lilian smile with someone other than me.  She looked happy and I hope she was. When I looked in the mirror while Lucy was doing my hair my bruises were fading and I was happy to see them almost gone. I've been in my head a lot because I know what he's capable of. I've dealt with it for years. I've had a few nightmares but i've been able to handle them myself. Deep down i'm struggling. I'm overthinking to much. There's what ifs running through my head every second. I'm scared he's gonna come back and hurt me or worse Lilian. I can't live without Lilian. Every time I look in the mirror I see the damage he's done. I've heavily under weight, I see the bruises the nurse said some of them were gonna be permanent. Every time I lift my shirt I see the scars of the knifes he slid across my stomach. I try putting on a smile but deep down i'm struggling. I just want the pain to end. I hate this version of myself. Why did I let it get this bad. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when lucy's put her hand on my shoulder and I flinch. Sorry what did you say, I ask her. Everything okay, Lucy asks me. Mhm, I say avoiding eye contact. Ang look at me, Lucy says. I don't I just look at the ceiling holding back tears. If I talk about what i'm feeling i'm gonna break and I can't. I don't wanna look weak. I don't want anyone to take pity on me. But with Lucy that doesn't work. She makes sure you're okay, she reassures you and that's one of the things i love about her. I'm pulled out of my thoughts once again with Lucy moving my face so we're making eye contact and that's when the tears fall. What's wrong Ang, Lucy asks as she wipes my tears. I'll talk to you later I promise, I say with a slight smile. Alright you better come on let's eat, she says picking me up off the counter. She kisses my forehead before putting me down which makes me blush and her laugh. Mommy why are you so red, Lilian asks me. I'm just hot baby, I say ruffing her hair up and Lucy starts laughing even more.

Lucy's POV
After I put Angela in the room so she can go back to sleep I go out into the living room and hang out with Lilian. We're having a good time. I still can't believe Angela has a daughter. She's really sweet and is literally an expert copy of Angela, looks and personality. I adore her she's just like her mom. We were in the middle on watching Tangled when I got a call from Grey.

Lucy- hey grey what's up
Grey- hey lucy me and the gang wanted to know if we could stop by to check in on Angela, they know she was in the hospital not what happened
Lucy- it's fine with me let me go check with her

Ang, I say shaking her a little. hm, she says opening her eyes a little. Grey wants to know if him in the gang can come by and check on you, they know you were in the hospital but not what happened is it fine with you, I ask her. Yea it's fine, she mumbles turning back over to go to sleep. 

Lucy- grey she said it's fine
Grey- alright we'll be there in 10 minutes
Lucy- alright see you soon

Ang you gotta get up they'll be here in 10 minutes, I say. I don't wanna, she says pulling the covers over her head. Ang come on you know they're gonna ask about Lilian right, I say which makes her sit up. Shit, she says rubbing her eyes. Can you get me a hoodie, Angela asks. Yea, I say heading to the closet. I couldn't find one of her hoodies because all her clothes are still folded and not hung so I just got her one of mine. I could find one of yours so I just got you one of mine, I say to her. That's fine thanks, she says. She puts the hoodie on and hold her arms out to be carried. I carried her out and we waited until we heard the door knock to get it.

Angela's POV
I see the gang walk in and they all smile at me as i'm laying on the couch. Hey how are you, Nyla asks. Great all things considered, I say giving them a thumbs up. Uhm guys who's kid, Celina says pointing at Lilian. Met my daughter Lilian guys, I say. All i hear is gasps and see their shocked faces. You have a kid and you didn't tell me i'm your best friend, Tim says disappointed. Well when you have an abusive boyfriend threatening to kill you and a cryptic pregnancy it's kinda hard too, I say laughing. What, Aaron shouts in disbelief. Yep, I say laughing again. Are you okay, Tim says. Never been better, I say laughing once again.

Lucy's POV
Grey pulls me aside to ask about Angela. How's Angela doing, he asks. She puts on a smile but I know she's struggling I can see through her, I say. Keep an eye out on her and keep me updated please, he says. I will, I say.

No one's POV
Everyone got to know Lilian and they kept checking over Angela until it was time for them to go. Lucy, Angela and Lilian got settled for dinner and got ready for bed.

Angela's POV
As me and Lucy were laying in bed I just started talking, I don't wanna be in pain Luce. I hate feeling this way. I feel weak, broken. I hate what i see in the mirror, it's a broken reflection of someone I never wanted to be. I hate everything about my self and i'm tired. I don't wanna feel like this, I hate, I hate it, I say as I sob.

Lucy's POV
I just sit there listening to Angela and I feel bad. I wish I could take her pain away.  I just hold her tight while letting her cry. Ang you are beautiful, everything about you is perfect, i wish you never had to go through any of that and if i would've knew sooner i promise you, none of it would have happened. You are the strongest woman I have ever met and Lilian is lucky as hell to have you as her mother. I promise you I will do everything in my power to help you, I say kissing her head.

A/N: sorry i haven't posted in a while, i've been struggling on how to continue this story but i'm gonna try, i've also been very busy that's why I haven't posted so sorry!!

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