|Chapter 8.3| The World seemed to be endless

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"Now kids go along while me as your teacher have an adult conversation."

Althea's words didn't register in Hadassah's head until she found herself standing in front of the life tree with the four other students looking at each other aimlessly.

Zarek placed his hands behind his head and was about to bow out, but she held on to him tightly dragging him back to the group. "Do you guys want to actually get lunch?" Since their food had been interrupted by the duel, they still had to eat.

"Ok." Drucilla said curtly, her small face looking quite serious with her short black hair.

Cyrus stretched lazily, "Sounds good to me. I'm starving."

Rahn, who had been silently observing, nodded eagerly. "Food... good," he said, smiling.

Zarek sighed but seemed to relent. "Fine. Let's just get this over with."

The group made their way out of the palace, the city was quite large but the area by the palace was considered quite high end. Since they were all quite wealthy it didn't suprise Hadassah they had to pick the most expensive place to eat. A restaurant with four stories with specially 'nourishing' meals. She could only imagine her wallet bleed. Rahn did not need to eat often, but when he ate it was quite a lot. The last time he ate anything were the two blood hound hunters, if he were to eat the equivalent of two grown men in meat, would she still have any money left?

They found a table and sat down, the atmosphere awkward and silent. Hadassah glanced around, trying to think of a way to break the ice.

"So, uh... Drucilla, you're really strong," Hadassah immediately regretted her words after she spoke. Of course, she was strong—she was a dragon! Zarek snickered at her failed attempt to socialize.

Despite them being older, they were in similar life stages, so this could be considered talking to her peers, something she had never had to do before.

Drucilla looked at her, her expression unreadable. "Since I could walk," she replied. "Strength is necessary."

Cyrus leaned back in his chair, smirking. "She's being modest. She's a prodigy. Her father is quite brutal, so naturally, she takes after him."

Drucilla shot him a look, and Cyrus raised his hands in mock surrender. "What? It's true."

Cyrus was quite pleasant to talk to, he was also quite pretty. She wondered if it was because he was from the fox spirit tribe. The two most attractive tribes on the continent were the fox spirit and the celestials. She had no clue about the seers since most information on them was hard to come by.

The Fox spirit, in the era of humans, would rule harems due to their beauty. Cyrus was no exception. He had narrow eyes, a thin, slender waist with special beads wrapped around them a few times. He was wearing a sleeveless gold-rimmed top that fitted around his torso tightly and stopped just before his navel and a pair of loose trousers. His hair was long, well-kept, and glossy. If you weren't careful, you would easily get carried away looking at him.

Hadassah nodded, the idea of that large hammer coming down on her still making her shake a little. "I could tell. You almost had me back there."

Drucilla's serious expression softened slightly. "You're not bad. Quick thinking." To Hadassah, that did not seem like a compliment. It was like looking at chaos in the form of a young girl; that power felt overwhelming. She looked down at her shaking hands.

'This must be what a bug feels like.'

Their food arrived, and they started to eat. Rahn, whose eyes lit up at the sight of meat, turned to check if Hadassah was as excited as he was, only to see her staring at her hands absent-mindedly. He reached out to hold her hand, careful not to hurt her with his claws. He found her abnormally weak compared to the others, but he just took it like a cat who had a weak owner. If he protected her, it wouldn't matter too much if she was weak as long as she kept feeding him well and taking care of him.

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