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    Five weeks passed after the unfortunate wound that was inflicted on Brooklyn, she neither told her family nor her best friend. She wasn't ready to open up to them yet at any cost and wasn't planning to open up at any time soon.

  She continued her normal routine but always felt a little sick sometimes, she also had mood swings which she couldn't control. Her taste for food became weird and unusual, she ate a lot and also slept for long hours which was new to her parents because their daughter was a hardworking lady and never ate much.

     Brooklyn also found it weird that she had all these different habits now that she couldn't control and decided to look up her habits and symptoms online. Words could not express what she felt at that moment when she saw the results the search brought her. She had to call her best friend to bring some PREGNANCY test sticks and come to her house while keeping the sticks discreet. Though her friend was shocked, but she decided to just go
since Brooklyn promised her an explanation.

  Brooklyn was fiddling with her fingers, sitting on the edge of her bed crying silently  when her friend barged into her bedroom with a worried expression on her face. She closed the bedroom door and walked carefully and slowly to Brooklyn,she squated right in front of Brooklyn before carefully bringing out a box of pregnancy test sticks from her pink overcoat and handing it over to her friend.

"Bee?, here you go, go test it first before you come and give me an explanation okay?" She said with a low and concerned voice as Brooklyn nodded her head positively and walked towards her bathroom.

   Brooklyn came out of the bathroom crying profusely with a pregnancy test stick on her hand and gave it to her friend.

" Yvonne, it's positive, I'm pregnant.......I'm doomed. What am I gonna tell mom, dad, and Eddy?, they're all so gonna be disappointed in me" She exclaimed as she slumped her body on the floor while weeping.

   Yvonne was shocked to see two red lines on the test stick but she walked up to Brooklyn, sat beside her on the carpet floor and hugged her supportively knowing her friend must not be able to process the shock of being pregnant.

"Bee, it's okay......aunt and uncle will understand you. Your older brother loves you and I'm pretty sure he'll support you lovingly, so get up.....let's talk about this once we've told gotten you seated with your family" Yvonne said as she helped Brooklyn get up on her two feets.

"No!" Brooklyn exclaimed in fear as she staggered backwards and away from Yvonne. "Yvonne you don't get me, they're gonna be angry at me!, please try to understand me!"She cried even more as she pleaded with Yvonne.

    Yvonne moved closer to Brooklyn and intertwined her finger with hers softly.
"They're gonna be shocked but certainly not angry. They'll still find out sooner or later when you start getting your pregnancy bump, and how are you gonna explain it to them then?" Yvonne explained as they both walked out of Brooklyn's huge bedroom and down the plight of many staircase and towards the living room where her parents were both watching a movie while her older brother was typing something on his phone.

"I think I'd rather tell them myself so please don't say anything to support me because it's all my fault........everything's my fault" Brooklyn said wiping her tears stained cheeks with both her palms.

"Sure" Yvonne answered with a smile as they took their seats opposite Brooklyn's parents and older brother. The trio looked up to see their Brooklyn and her best friend's face which wore worried expressions, they looked at each other with confused expressions and shrugged their shoulders before looking at them again.

"Aunt Savannah, Uncle Ramsy and Edward.......... Bee has something really important to tell you. Please don't be angry at her okay?" She assured Brooklyn's parents before giving a positive nod to Brooklyn.

"Mom, Dad.....Eddy" she hesitated nervously before continuing.

"- I'm pregnant" she finally said. Her parents and older brother were shocked and looked at her with confusion

"WHAT!?" The three said in unison

Hope you liked this chapter, I am so happy that you took your time to give me a chance by reading this book😘😘😘😘

Love you lovers🥰🥰🥰

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