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Welcome home dear heart,
To the place where love never departs.
A place to rest, to dream, to be,
where the heart and home enter wine in glee.

"I still have no idea why I must come along with you" A light and soft sassy voice spoke out.

Brooklyn looked at the small female figure who was sitting next to her in the passenger seat next to her and just sighed frustratedly before turning her head back to her drawing Ipad and continued her work.

On seeing that Brooklyn wasn't ready to answer her, she decided to ask the man sitting on her other side typing some things she couldn't see. She cleared her throat softly before tugging on the male shirt's sleeve nervously.

"Oliver, why do I have to go with you guys?.....I could easily just stay back here with Naomi?" She asked in an innocent voice but one could tell there was a hint of irritation in the voice. The man didn't even glance at her for a second and continued typing on his laptop without replying the little girl's question.

This obviously pissed the little girl off. She wanted to know so badly why her mother was moving back to New York City where she apparently grew up in, while she had to deal with the fact of leaving her whole childhood back im California.

"You know what?!...I don't give two hoots if we're going back and none of you are gonna answer me why I had to follow you guys" The little girl poured, finally giving up on the fact that noone was going to give her an explanation why.

Oliver finally shut his laptop shut and sighed frustratedly before turning to the little girl with softened eyes.

"Darling, you know the only reason we have to move is because of your grandparents have never met you and your mom needs to meet them too. I know it will be hard to get used to a new place but you need to know that you are probably going to spend the most of your life there before you become an adult"

Oliver answered with a nervous smile as he looked at the girl who had been quiet throughout his explanation.

She understood everything that Oliver had said and didn't argue with anyone furthermore and just cuddled close to Oliver's side and drifted off to sleep. Not even noticing Oliver carrying her into her mother's private jet.

The trip back to New York City was not that much of a long journey and Brooklyn couldn't be more thankful that she wasn't disturbed by anybody besides Oliver, who kept on making her laugh and stopping mid way of her work.

As soon as they arrived at the airport, the guards were stationed on either side and made a pathway in between for them for the respectable guests who had arrived.

The little girl was holding tightly unto Oliver's hand as she walked through the pathway made by the gaurds.

She knew her mother was a famous and wealthy fashion designer......not to talk about she was also the only daughter of the famous Kennedy family, but she did not whatsoever expect that there would be this many journalists and photographers at the airport.

She didn't want to also get recognised by the paparazzi too so she pulled her light coloured purple hoodie cap over her head and put on her black tinted sunglasses and nose mask on as she and the others walked through the crowded airport with guards on either of their sides trying to protect them from harm's way and all sorts of questions.

(She loves cats or any other animals with pointy ears)

The young girl was nervous and her grip on Oliver's hand subconsciously tightened. She looked up at her mother and saw that she looked the least bothered about the crowd and she just smiled inwardly at her mother while she just continued walking on.
Brooklyn was worried as hell but she couldn't show it and kept a straight face taking short glances at the little girl standing next to her while squeezing Oliver's hand.

Second Chance At Sunset(ᴏɴ ʜᴏʟᴅ)Where stories live. Discover now