chapter 7

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"Okay, so he made you do what?" Ren laughed as Miguel explained for the third time how her dad almost drowned him

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"Okay, so he made you do what?" Ren laughed as Miguel explained for the third time how her dad almost drowned him. Each time she laughed harder.

"He tied my hands together and pushed me into the pool. But at least I learned how to kick." Miguel said as they got they're socks on after practice. They'd each broken boreds. Miguel had broken 5 and Ren broke 13. But it wasn't knew to her, she'd trained like that before when she was teaching herself karate.

"I wish I could show my mom what I did to those boards, but if she knew where I was right now, she would kill me." Miguel explained to the blonde girl.

"I'm sorry, M. Maybe you should just tell her get it over with. I think she'd be proud of you." Ren stood up her knee's popping. Johnny groaned as Ren couniuned to pop her bones.

"What's wrong with you?" Miguel asked.

"Nothing. But your coustume on i'm driving you to that dance. We're gonna pick up more students." Johnny said as Miguel and Ren both grabbed their costumes out of their backpacks.

"What the hell is that?" Johnny asked as Miguel put the make shift costume on his head.

"It's my halloween costume. My Yaya made it. It started off as Deadpool. Then I think it was spider-man, and then it just kind of became some generic superhero." Miguel said putting his arms through the sleves.

Ren grabbed her costume and walked into the bathroom and changed into her costume. Her and Evie were going as Barbie and Requelle. Both girls had tutus, Ren having the pink on for Barbie and Evie having the black one for Requelle. They're shirts were black and pink tubtops with glitter on them.

"Seriously dad? I kinda like the Dead-spider man costume." Ren said walking out of the bathroom to see Miguel dress in a skeleton costume.

"Wow you look amazing, Rennie." Miguel smiled over at the girl who spinned.

"I'm barbie, my Requelle should be here any minute. Do you need help?" Ren asked seeing him try to put black and white make up paint on his face.

"Please." Miguel said handing the girl the stuff.

"If there was a way for us to win best costume we would." Evie said walking into the dojo.

"Most defenitly." Ren said as she started to finish up Miguel's make up.

"Skeleton. Classic. But nice." Evie said walking to where they stood.

"Are you guys ready yet?" Johnny asked walking out of the office seening all three kids.

"Yep!" Ren said closing the make up pallete.


As soon as the trio walked into the dance they met up with Eli and Demetri. Ren ran to hug Eli who smiled under the mask widely hugging the blonde girl back.

"Oh, skeleton. Classic. Barbie and Requelle? Suits you two perfectly." Evie grabbed Ren's hand pulling her away from Eli and spinning her.

"Why thank you." Evie grinned at him wrapping an arm around Ren's shoulder.

"Thanks. I like your sorcerer costume." Miguel said.

"Sorcerer? Please. I'ma necromancer." Demetri corrected, Miguel looked down at the two girls unsure what he meant.


"Didn't you see the amulet?"

"So, are you a regular doctor or-" Miguel asked Eli ignoing Demetri.

"I'm a plastic surgent I fix lips." Eli spoke softly, Ren reached to grab his hand.

"Nice." Miguel said.

"Ren! Evie! Come over here!" Amber called over the two girls running to grab they're hands to pull them to the dance floor. The two girls laughed as they got pulled off dancing around in the big crowd of people.

"So, why haven't you asked her out yet?" Miguel asked turning to Eli who froze.

"Wait, what I-"

"Don't even start with the 'I don't like her' bull. He's been in love with her since 6th grade when they first met." Demetri cut the boy off, all three of them looking out to where the two best friends danced around with a group of people.

"So, ask her out. She totally likes you." Miguel said looking back at the two boys.

"No, she doesn't." Eli denyed not taking his eyes away from the blonde girl dancing around. She looked over at the three boys before pushing past people to get to them.

"Hey, you guys having fun?" She walked up behind Miguel and put her arm around his shoulder standing on her tippie toes.

"Yep standing in a dark corner is the time of my life." Demetri said sarcastically.

"Come on then, come dance with us!" Ren said grabbing Eli and Miguel's hand dragging them to where Evie and the rest of their friends were. She dropped Miguel's hand up kept a hold of Eli's as she jumped and dance around singing to the songs they had on.

"Hey!" Evie grabbed onto Demetri's hand pulling him to dance while Miguel danced with Ren and Eli. They friends danced for a while before a slow song came on. The boys had run off about 4 songs ago so the girls slow danced for a second before Evie called Eli of to dance with the blonde girl who was exhausted and was barley stable anymore.

"Dance with her." Evie said handing Ren off to Eli and walking away.

"You don't have to dance with me if you don't want to." Ren muttered into the crook of his neck.

"I want to." He quickly correct, he felt her smiled into his shoulder.

"Hey, Ren" She pulled her head away from his shoulder to look at him


"I...I" They're lips were close, closer enough where they were both hoping the other coundn't feel their hearts beat in their chests.

"You...What?" Her eyes flickered down to his lips, he did the same.


"Eli, come on were going to the bath room." Demetri grabbed Eli's arm pulling him away from the blonde girl with Miguel following.

"What the fuck!?" Evie ran up to where Ren watched the three boys walk off. She ran her hands over her face in frustration.

"We almost kissed. We-Evie." Ren hugged her best friend, needing the comfort.



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