chapter 10

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"Evie, Miguel, Eli, Demetri whoever the fuck this better have a good explanation why they're calling me at 2 am

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"Evie, Miguel, Eli, Demetri whoever the fuck this better have a good explanation why they're calling me at 2 am." Ren groaned as she answered the phone her voice deeper than usual.

"Ren? Who are any of those people besides Evie."

"Robby?" Ren's phone came off the charger at how fast she sat up in her bed.

"Hey little sister." He smiled in the phone at his sisters voice.

"Rob, what's up? Are-are you ok?".

"Yeah, yeah. I'm all good. I just have a question, does dad still hate Daniel LaRusso?" Robby asked.

"Um yeah, yeah. Why-"

"Thanks Ren. Talk to you soon." Robby said into the phone.

"Oh ok be safe, I-" The phone went dead as he hung up.

"I love you." She sighed as she stared at his contact infronmation before going to another persons.

"Ren? Are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm ok, did I wake you?" She asked smiling into the phone a little knowing she didn't.

"No, you didn't. What are you doing?" The boy asked into the phone putting it on speaker and sitting it down on his desk.

"Couldn't sleep. Can we talk for a little while?" She asked already feeling better than she did moments before.

"Of course, sunshine."

"Thank you, Eli."


Ren had her head on Eli's shoulder as they sat in the cafeteria exhausted from not getting any sleep the night before. When she called him it was 2 and they didn't stop talking until 5 when they both fell asleep on the phone. "Hey guys, you know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad." Kyler's annoying voice made her head slowly be taken off the boys shoulder. People laughed at what Kyler had just said about Sam. Miguel put his hand on the back of Ren's chair. "Hey Kyler! Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?" Miguel said throwing his try down Infront of the blonde girl. Kyler, Josh, and three other boys stood but Ren instently rushing next to Miguel. "Want another beatdown, Rhea?" Kyler asked shoving Miguel back as Josh got into Ren's face staring down at the girl with a smirk, this time she smirked back. "I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time." Kyler shoved Miguel back again, making Ren shove Kyler. "Didn't my dad beat all five of your asses?" Kyler went to punch the blonde girl but she blocked it with easy before sending a punch to his face he didn't block. One of the other boys grabbed onto Ren as Josh walked Infront of her but she kicked her legs up to his stomach sending him back, she hit the boy that was holding her with her elbow. Ren and Miguel faught off every single one of the boys coming at them back to back. "Dunk!" Ren yelled as he passed her a tray, he dunked down just in time for her to hit Josh in the face. "Ren!" She rolled over Miguels back landing on her feet perfectly just in time for Brucks to run into the lunch tray. Kyler and Josh got up running at the two. Miguel stuck out a hand for Ren to grab pulling her up onto the lunch table he was standing on. He smacked Kyler in the face with the lunch tray just as Ren kicked Josh in the face having both of them fall to the ground. The whole cafeteria cheered for Miguel and Ren as they stood in the table. Eli looked at Ren in awe about what she had just did she looked down at him giggling a little at the look on his face, he smiled back at her before clapping a little louder. "Hey! Get down from there right now!" The prinable grabbed onto Miguel and Ren's arm pulling them off the table, the cafeteria booed as she dragged them out.


"All five of them?" Johnny asked as Miguel and Ren stood in front of his desk. The school had call Johnny to come get Ren and when they called Miguel's house Yaya awsered. "Yeah" Both of them awsered smiling. "Even that big dumb one?" Johnny asked. "Yeah, it all happend so fast. Everything just came together. You should've seen us out there the team work we used to fight againest you we used in the real fight." Miguel explained. "Dad, you should've seen us. I flipped over Miguel's back and then we hit those two boys at the same time, I kicked his face!" Ren smiled shaking Miguel's arm. "We were blocking, anticipating, we slithered." Miguel explained once again the two best friends high fived smiling over at each other. "Huh. Your mom's gonna kill all three of us." Johnny said. "Well, she would if she knew. When my school called, my Yaya answered. Never seen her so proud. She won't talk." Miguel assured both of them. "So let me get this straight. You took all the lessons I taught you...and you used straight-up beat the shit out of those punks?" Johnny asked walking to stand in front of Miguel and Ren. "Well yeah" "Yes." "Follow me." Johnny said walking out of his office. The two friends made unsure eye contact before following him outside to his car. He opened the trunk to two gi's. "I wore this when I was training for my first  tournament back in '81. The other one is from when I was training for the second one in 82'. I want you to have it. I figured Ren would get the 81' one and Miguel could have 82' because Ren started Karate first." Johnny explained getting both gi's out and handing one to Miguel and the other to Ren with a smiled on his face. "Are you sure?" Miguel asked both of the kids making eye contact. "Hell yeah. You two earned it." Johnny smiled at the two before shaking Miguel's hand and then moving to Ren who stared at his hand then him. Before giving him a hug. "Come on Miguel. Group hug." Ren laughed opening her arm for Miguel to join the hug. "That's it that's the best thing I got." Johnny said smiling at the two kids as they let out of the hug. "Thank you so much, Sensei." "Thank you dad." The three hugged again. Miguel and Ren turned to each other laughing before giving each other a hug to. Her smile was big as she hugged the boy that already felt like her brother. Unknowing that her actual brother stood watching the whole thing.


"You'll get your damn rent! I don't have it right now that's what i'm saying. I'm working on it." Ren looked up out of the front windshild of the car seeing a bunch of kids from school. Her eyes instently found Eli's. "Holy shit, dad!" Ren hit her dad's shoulder before she climbed out of the car. Running to where her friends stood and giving Eli and hug. "I'm so glad your here." She mumbled into his shoulder as they hugged. "Hi." He smiled down at her as they pulled away from each other, she walked up to where Miguel stood slinging her arm around him as her dad walked up. "Looks like were in business."

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