Chapter 6 - Armageddon on my Breath

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 "Ngh, fuck-" Harley groaned through a busted lip, her eyes fluttering open to flashing multicolored lights that burned her irises, wincing away from the bright lights, and the assaulting sound of house music? Her gut twisting as she was being moved while standing... things made sense.

Ignoring the pounding migraine in her temple she twisted her head on straight, peering through thick eyelashes at the two guards who were on her right and left, wheeling her forward on an office chair, her hands tied down to it with strings. Their destination laid just a short while ahead, club go-oers dancing across the floor and various other surfaces below her to the left. Harley was carried across a glass walkway that led to the higher floors of the Iceberg Lounge.

It had taken her a second to remember but now her precarious situation made sense. Cobblepot had taken her...and finally wanted to talk, considering before waking up being carried throughout his establishment she was resting in a dark room, deprived of sensations and tortured by some of his men...

Teaching her a lesson as he liked to call it. She'd have to pay him back for that...if she even got the chance.

Her stomach lurched...if. She had no guarantee about what was going to happen over the next few hours...and by the way Cobblepot was just going about his business as usual, considering the massive crowd that she had just turned the corner away from, he saw no reason to be concerned. And why should he? Harley knew that there was no one who cared enough about her to save her. The only one who might've been was Ivy and she had no clue if she had even came back to their home yet, let alone knowing if she had disappeared, or if she was even safe in the first place.

No one else cared, especially the Joker since Harley had gathered that's what this was all about. Cobblepot wanted to get back at him...but he didn't know one crucial detail. Taking Harley meant nothing to Joker. He never cared about her, the only guy's who might've given a tiny shit about her were Batman and...Y/N.

Harley's eyes widened...her heart twisting itself into a knot.

"I didn't expect you to move on so quickly, clown," Penguin said over his shoulder, standing in front of Y/N who had been forced to his knees by two of his thugs, pressing the barrel of his umbrella under Y/N's chin and forced him to look up, "And with this trash? What makes him special? He looney like the rest of ya?"

"Fuck. You." Y/N spit through his bloody teeth, Cobblepot lips curling into a frown at the disgusting attempt of rebellion.

Letting Y/N's chin drop he took his umbrella and pushed it down towards Y/N's gaping wound, pushing the tip in the flesh. A sneer took place on his face as he watched Y/N cringe, Cobblepot pushing the foreign object further into it enjoying the gasp of pain he managed to wretch from the man. Y/N felt his body tense up, pain coursing through him like a blizzard. His body felt numb and cold, eyes dotted with white dots until finally Cobblepot relented, pulling his umbrella out of the wound.

Blood dripped from its tip, pulling a handkerchief from his expensive coat pocket he wiped it off before walking away from Y/N who was fighting off waves of pain, his teeth clenched tight as he tried to focus on Cobblepot and Harley who were starting to talk, but his fading consciousness proved that task to be difficult.

"Now that your dog has been taken care of, it's time for us to talk Harley," Penguin snidely said, the man behind her painfully yanking her up to her feet.

But Harley didn't even register the movement or the pain, her eyes locked onto Y/N's crunched up form. Noticing how enlarged his pupils were, his rapid breathing, and skin that was visibly paling...he was going into shock.

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