Rafe on My Mind- Rafe Cameron pt. 2

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AN: I'm splitting up parts of the story into sections. These are going to be long lol

When I woke up again, we were in the middle of the ocean. I turned to see Sarah sitting next to me, picking at a loose thread on her shorts. "Sarah?" She turned to look at me. "Lily! Oh, thank God!" She gave me a gentle hug and a warm smile. "How are you feeling? JJ found some medicine on the boat and Cleo patched you up." I sat up gingerly, "I feel okay. Where are we?" "We're heading back to the OBX." I turned to her quickly, "Is that really a good idea?" She shrugged, "I don't know, we lost John B in Barbados, so I figured if he got out of there he'd come back home." I could tell she was nervous for John B, so I gave her hand a squeeze, "I'm sure he's right behind us." She smiled and gave me another hug. "We were really worried about you when Rafe brought you on the boat. You looked awful." 'Rafe' I thought to myself. There's no way the pouges would let him on the boat with us, not after what happened with Sarah. I could only hope he escaped the men from Barbados. "Well, I felt it that's for sure," I responded chuckling slightly. JJ came up the stairs and bolted over to me when he saw I was sitting up by Sarah. "Holy Shit! You're alive!" He gave me a soft hug and tussled my hair a bit. "Thanks to you and Cleo," I said, squeezing his hand tightly. "Hey guys, she's up," JJ called over the railing. Soon Pope, Cleo and Kiara came on deck, and all gave their hugs. "Thank you so much guys." We all began chatting and trying to catch up on the past day's events. I told them about what had happened at Singh's and how Rafe helped me. I tried to keep it brief, but I still wanted them to know. I didn't expect them to forgive Rafe, especially not Sarah, but I still stood by what I said to Rafe. I meant it. We docked at a port for some food and Cleo and Pope went to get supplies. I found myself wandering down to talk Kiara. "Hey Kie." I sat down gingerly with a hand on my side. I was getting better, but I was still sore as ever. "Hey girl!" She handed a joint to me, but I declined, and she went back to smoking. "Kie can I talk to you about something?" "Of course," she replied with a warm smile. "So, when I was at Singh's, I told you guys Rafe helped me escape, but it was more than that." "Go on," she said, looking at me intently. "He apologized for the things he's done. I mean it wasn't the best apology in the world or anything, but he did things that were more than just working together. He helped me with this cut, and he could've left me after I got shot- I even told him to, but he stayed and helped me. I told him I forgave him, and I'm not saying anyone else should, but I want to stand by what I told him." Kie was nodding along with what I was saying. "Part of me feels bad, it feels wrong because of what he did to Sarah, but the other part of me believes he really does want to be better, and he will. I'm just worried about him, but I feel like I shouldn't be. I feel guilty, but I don't want to." Kie hummed, "Well, I don't really know. I mean it seems like he was genuine, but you're always so trusting and kind, which I think is why you get hurt sometimes. Just be careful with him, and don't expect the rest of us to share your view." I sighed, talking with Kie made me feel worse. "Rafe might be crazy, but I know when he showed up with you to the boat, he really was only worried about you. JJ could've beaten the shit out of him, and I don't think he would've done a thing until he knew you were gonna be okay. You deciding to trust him means a lot I'm sure. I don't think I've seen him so focused on someone that wasn't himself or his dad." I just stared at the water as I thought about what Kie said. She took another hit from her joint before getting up, "Don't feel guilty about it, you shouldn't. You're a better person than any of us. I don't know if we'll see him again, but if we do, just be careful, and remember the ones who have been with you through it all," she said, shooting me a wink. I smiled at her and stayed there until JJ came down to tell me we were eating. I followed him back up to the deck and enjoyed the makeshift meal, before falling asleep by Sarah, hoping her brother was safe. 

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